
Monday, June 16, 2014

Primary Color Run

Updates on Clifton -
He is quiet our little competitor.  Which has its great moments and its bad moments.  He loves playing sports, racing, and competing.  Which fits in well with this family.  However he makes everything  a competition.  I can eat dinner the fastest, go potty the fastest, etc...
I am excited for soccer this year with him and more sports to come!

Updates on McKay -
I decided to cut McKay some bangs this week because I cannot stand her hair being in her face and neither can she.
I think they turned out pretty dang cute.  She is so stinking cute so that helps:)

For FHE we talked about the wise man and the foolish man.  The kids love this story.  First we built our houses out of blocks and placed one on a pile of sand and the other on a large rock.  Then we got tools out and on those tools were wise and foolish things.  We decided who used which tools (like sharing, helping others, yelling, calling names, etc...).
And then the rain came down!  This was their favorite part.  

This week we spent a lot of time at different parks getting our energy out and playing with friends.
Good friends and fun times!

I turned on the water to water the grass and then put the garbage in the garage and I turn around to see this!
Who needs swim suits?  I guess its better than naked kiddos:)  So I decided Thursday we needed to go swimming.

This week has also been full of tons and tons of soccer.  The World Cup has started and Daddy is around a little bit more to watch it.  
So we have been either watching it or playing it.

Saturday we had a mile Color Run for the children in our ward/church.  I have been planning this fun run for the last couple months and have been super anxious and excited about it.  I think it turned out great, thanks to all the wonderful people who came and helped.  I live in a great place and am surrounded by wonderful people who love to get involved and help.
Don't give me a megaphone:)  Trying to run the show.
After!  Don't judge my hair:)  McKay ended up on my shoulders most of the run.
Yep she ran around so much during set up that she wasn't interested in running or walking but I wanted her to be apart of it and shoot I wanted to be a part of it.  
Clifton got so into it.  I set it up so there was two laps and I was sure he would only be interested in one lap.  But no he RAN the whole two laps and was all about finishing.  That's my competitive boy again.  Super fun morning!!!!

Father's day.  Luckily we celebrated early... because on Father's Day Alex spent the day in pain and at the Urgent Care:/  Hurt his ankle playing soccer.  But prior to that...  
The kids got Alex a shirt for the USMNT game.
For the last couple months I have been saving up money for Alex to get a new mountain bike.  His is about ten years old.  So we went bike shopping.  Nothing bought yet and maybe not for a while now with his ankle being injured:/

Saturday evening we meet Alex's family in Tacoma to have dinner together. 
Always fun to get together!  Happy Father's Day weekend for us:)

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