
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Last Days of Preschool

Updates on Clifton -
He is still big on numbers right now.  All day long he asks me what two numbers make.  Like what does 4 and 5 make.  I am not exaggerating its all day.  He sees a number he has to know what it is.  He is also big on the clock and what time it is.  It really is exhausting answering all his number questions all day but it is paying off.  He can name some of the numbers now and can count to 30 without assistance.

Updates on McKay -
This girl loves to dance.  I am excited to get her in a dance class.  She dances all day long and it is so super duper cute!
McKay loves to say her prayers and her prayers are the cutest.  She often thanks Heavenly Father for Prince Charming and for princesses.  Oh kids are so dang cute!

Monday we got to celebrate our good friend Evans birthday at Chuck E Cheese.
A fun party!

Then we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's for a BBQ.
We always have fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Cousins are so much fun:)

Tuesday was my last day teaching the South Colby Preschool.
Oh how I will miss that group of kiddos.  We had so much fun learning together.  Sadly teaching preschool won't work out for next year but I feel so blessed that I was able to have this opportunity.

We went out exploring at low tide and found a black sand dollar.  Which I learned means its alive.  I have never seen a black one before so it was a cool find.  The kids thought it was awesome.
We did not keep it since it was alive but we did find a white one we could keep.  Which made Clifton happy.

That night I got Alex to willingly run with me.  Thats a big deal and had to mark it in our history!
I tried to get proof of it but this is all I could get.  I loved it!  I hope we can keep it up:)

Thursday was my official last day at preschool.  We had donuts at the park:)
A fun morning with friends.  I will sure miss this group!

We spend a lot of time outside these days playing sports!
 Clifton sure gets into sports!  It is so cute to watch his intensity.
We took the kids to play tennis and of course Clifton was all about it.  

Saturday we got to go to the Sounders game.  We won't get to go to another game until July so we were very excited to be able to go.  Plus the number one team (Sounders of course) was playing the number two team Real Salt Lake.  So it was going to be a good game!
 Alex's game face!
And it was a great game!  We won 4 - 0!  It was beautiful weather for the game and we decided to hit up an ice cream shop and celebrate the win.

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