
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Whaling Days 2014

Updates on Clifton -
He has gotten over a lot of fears this week.  We went swimming with friends Monday and his friend was in the deep end river part (where the water is moving fast and in a figure eight) with a floaty on.  Clifton wanted to do it, but was afraid.  He has always been afraid of deep water.  But he did it anyway and you could tell how proud of himself he was.  And how much fun he was having.  Thank goodness for friends that don't have as many fears and can be a good example.
He also gave a talk in primary Sunday.  He has always been too shy to talk into the microphone but he said his whole talk!  I am one proud momma:)
Daddy helping Clifton look his best for his big day at church:)

Updates on McKay -
She has been fighting with her brother a lot this week and pretty grumpy still.
But then there are times when she loves him:)

Update on Baby #3 -
17 weeks and getting bigger.
Still doing well and still keeping active, but sadly getting slower.
I felt the baby move this week.

For FHE we talked about pioneers since pioneer day was coming up.  We have never talked about pioneers before so we talked about who they were and what they did.  Then pretended to be pioneers. Alex made a covered wagon and we had the kids load it with things they would need.  Then we walked about a half of a mile with the wagon to "Utah".
We had a lot of fun.  Clifton really got into character.

Tuesday we spent the cold morning with friends at a park.
 They made train tracks out of sticks they found.
A fun morning.  The boys are getting so good at running off and playing without me.  McKay however could stay on the swings for hours upon hours demanding me to push her faster.

The kids and I have made a new tradition of going running together every Wednesday.  I always go running but never thought about taking them till after the color run and dirty dash Clifton has grown to love running.
This week we went with a friend and had a lot of fun.  Clifton can run a whole mile without stopping and is so determined to do more.  McKay will do half of a mile but I have to keep motivating her along the way.  I am so happy to pass the love of running/exercise onto my kids.

Saturday I signed up to run the Whaling Days Run (the annual Silverdale parade run).
 I was so glad to have a partner to run with.  Its always nice to have company while running.  Thanks Kristine for running it with me.
My number one fan cheering me on.

Then we stayed for the parade.
 Waiting for the parade to start.
 McKay loved all the animals and mascots.
This is the third year I have been to this parade and the third time we have gotten a big balloon from one of the parade marchers.

Later that night we went out to explore Gig Harbor.  We went to Sunrise Beach and sadly it was high tide so we couldn't explore that much.  But there were some deers (two moms and two babies) out walking around.
Oh they were so cute!
Even though the tide was too high we had fun and the view was to die for.  Washington is so beautiful!

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