
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Updates on Clifton -
He is loving running.  He ran 7 laps with me and we are working on getting to three miles.  We signed up for a glow in the dark run to do together.  He is so very excited and so motivated to get out and run.  He also loves timing how fast he can run/sprint from one side of the yard to the other and then try to beat that time.

Updates on McKay -
To a point where I need to limit her naps and she is pretty close to no naps.  She can go without a nap if we need her to, which is nice.  I just need to not let her nap too long if she does nap or else she won't go to bed till like 11.

Updates on Baby #3 -
18 weeks.  I had a doctors appointment this week and heartbeat is strong and healthy.
McKay and I comparing bellies.  She is certain she has a baby in hers.  And I think she must think I look huge.  Her face, makes me laugh!

Grandma came to town Monday to play and watch our kids while we go to the Sounders game that night.
It is always nice to have her around.  The kids and I really enjoy her company.  We decided to go out and enjoy the beautiful morning.  So picnic by the bay and exploring.

That night we got to go to the Sounders.  This was Alex's (early) birthday present.  We got amazing seats!  No heads to try and look around, front and center.
Before the game in our new Sounder glasses they were handing out at the game.  Which made me so very happy because I just lost my other pair of Sounder glasses.
After the game:/  We lost.  But we still love our Sounders.  You win some, you lose some.

Tuesday we had a fun day playing at home with friends.
I need to adopt an older child.  The boys loved following Emmalee around and doing whatever she wanted to do.

Wednesday we went to play in the Bremerton fountains.
Th kids have always been afraid of it shooting water out but they both faced their fears and stayed close by when it shooted water.  McKay wasn't too happy with the outcome.
A fun evening out in the sun.

Thursday was cousin Charlie's birthday.
So we spent the afternoon with family and friends.  A fun party.

Since we were in Olympia I thought we should explore.  So we went to Tum Water Falls.  I haven't been since Alex and I were dating.
The kids loved it!  Just as beautiful as I remember.
I think I wore them out!

Friday we walked the docks with friends.
I love this weather.

Saturday we celebrated Elyas's birthday.
Another fun time with friends.

That night we decided to visit Point No Point.  And it didn't disappoint.
 My little beach model!
It was such a fun evening out together as a family.  A seal came up to the shore right in front of us.  It said a quick hello and then left.  Clifton said that was his favorite part of the whole day.  It may have been mine too.  It was so cool!

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