
Monday, August 18, 2014

The Olympic Game Farm

Updates on Clifton -
He has so many questions.  Questions that seem to come out of no where.  Some very deep questions for a four year old like does everyone have money, does everyone have friends.  Some that are great that he is asking but often freaks me out.  We have been talking about heaven a lot.  And he ask questions like will I go to heaven when I am five, is dad going to heaven soon, etc...  I know he is confused but I don't love talking about possibilities of him or anyone else leaving us.

Updates on McKay -
The last couple weeks she has been not napping or if she does nap not going to bed till almost 11.  So I decided to just stop naps.  It seemed to go well not too grumpy but she slowly got very exhausted.
One evening she came and sat on my lap and then fell asleep.  That has never ever happened!  So this week we will try naps and if she doesn't nap then thats fine, but I think she still needs it every once in a while at least.

Updates on Baby #3 -
20 weeks, half way there!
We got to see baby this week.
Although we don't find out if we are having a boy or a girl, McKay thought baby looked like a kitty.  So she thinks we are having a kitten:)  Silly girl.

Monday we played with friends at Penrose State Park.
The tide was way out which meant a ton of wildlife.  They had people out looking for wildlife and bringing them back so kids could watch and touch them.  This was a big hit with my kids, especially Clifton.

That night was the beginning of Clifton's soccer season!  And I get to coach again this year.
And we had so much fun!  We have a great group of kids on the team and the season is going to be great.

Tuesday we got to celebrate with friends at Emmalee's birthday party.
A fun party.

Saturday we adventured to Sequim and visited the Olympic Game Farm.
 Alex was a little nervous about the animals:)

This was our first time and it was a BLAST!!!  Totally worth the drive.  The bears were mine and Alex's favorite part.  Clifton and McKay liked the yaks because they came right to the window to eat out of their hands.  Super fun family day.

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