
Monday, August 25, 2014

Grandma Stanley's in Town

Updates on Clifton -
He thinks his Dad is the coolest thing ever.  I over heard him telling friends, a few times, his Dad was the coolest because he teaches his soccer team (which I teach and told Alex to help) and he is 30!  Mom's get none of the credit:/

Updates on McKay -
We are still battling the nap or no nap stage.  This week she napped twice.  I just put her down and give her about half an hour to fall asleep if she doesn't then she gets no nap that day.  Seems to work for now.

Updates on Baby #3 -
21 weeks and busted out the maternity pants.  But they were falling off of me:/  So not yet there which I don't mind, but jeans are not the most comfy so yoga pants here we come!

Monday we spent the afternoon with friends in Seabeck.
We love playing with our friends.

For FHE we went to splash pads in Tacoma.
Note to self... wear a swimsuit next time.  I didn't think they would need us to play with them but they did.
Playing in the water was fun but the hit of the night was feeding ducks.  McKay gets my excitement for feeding ducks.  Every time a duck ate food she threw she would jump up and down and squeal with excitement. Loved every minute of it!

Thursday Grandma came to town and was able to come to Clifton's soccer practice.  We were so happy to see Grandma.  Friday we went to the Kitsap Fair.
We had so much fun riding the rides and seeing the animals.  McKay was big enough to ride the rides which saved me a lot of tears.  A great night together!

Saturday was Clifton's soccer kickoff.  They had a parade for all the teams and then each team played two games.  Grandma was able to come cheer Clifton on!
 My favorite picture!  The parents made a tunnel for all the kids to run through and give high fives.  Clifton felt so special.  It was such a cute idea and great way to kick off the season.
I have a cute team and have really enjoyed playing with them.  We were down two players so the kids did a lot of playing.  They were super tired afterwards but had a blast.  Clifton of course kept score of his goals and he scored 6!

Alex captured one of his goals!  He loves soccer so much!

They did so great and deserved a treat so Blueberries frozen yogurt was after soccer!  He got to pick as many number of different treats as he scored goals to put on top of his frozen yogurt.  Happy kids!

Later Alex went to help a friend move so the kids, my mom, and I went to ride the little trains.
We had fun, but sadly McKay got stung twice while on the train:/  I guess we now know she isn't allergic.  Poor girl!  She was a trooper though and didn't cry very much.

That night we had a picnic at Lion's Park.
A nice and beautiful evening out together.  We were so happy to have grandma come visit.  She is very loved at this house.  We did a lot of playing while she was here.  My mom knows how to wear us out:)

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