
Monday, August 11, 2014

Alex Turns 30!

Updates on Clifton -
He is biking and so well.  This used to frustrate him so much, but his attitude has changed drastically.  He even had a crash and I thought he would give up and want nothing to do with his bike, but he didn't he got up and on it again.  I am glad he is getting over a lot of his fears.  Its such a wonderful thing to watch.

Updates on McKay -
She had her first hair cut.  Just a trim.  However I don't love her hair and next time we get it cut I think we will do short.  But she did great getting her hair cut.

Updates on Baby #3 -
19 weeks!  I busted out the belly bands and a few pregnancy shirts, I guess its getting about that time.

Monday we spent the hot day out in Seabeck with friends.
Such a beautiful view and the water is so calm and clear.

For FHE we talked about our bodies and taking care of them.  We set a new goal as a family to have a family run night each week.
This was Alex first time running on his ankle after fracturing it.  He said it was uncomfortable but felt good to get back to it.  A fun night and tradition I am excited to keep up.

Tuesday we went mini golfing.  
The boys and Baylee are getting so good.  They can get the ball in the hole in a few strokes.  Baylee even had a hole in one.  They sure love it.

Wednesday Alex turned 30!
We decorated and took him out to dinner to celebrate.  

Friday night we spent the evening with friends in our ward. Saying goodbye to some of our friends that will be leaving for a little.
The kids had a water balloon fight.  This was my kids first water balloon fight and if you could tell from McKay's face you can see she was very happy about this.  A great night!

Saturday morning the kids and I went to a sports store and participated in their free events.  They had fishing.  This was a huge deal to my kids.  We have never taken them so they were so thrilled to do this even if it was out of a tank filled full of fish:)
And we got to spend time with our best friends:)  Clifton sure is loved!

That night we had a birthday party to celebrate Alex turning 30.  Alex (and I) love to play soccer so what better to do then play with friends.  We have so many wonderful friends that came to celebrate with us.  
We are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives.
 We had the best cheerleaders!
And the kids had a blast playing with each other.  A huge thank you to our babysitters helping with the kids.  I should have taken pictures of my kids afterwards.  They were filthy, but so very happy.

Sunday we attended the blessing of baby Julia.  
Such a wonderful celebration and great time with family.  So glad we were able to be apart of it.

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