
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Zoo Trip

Updates on McKay -
She is no longer wearing pull ups at night time!  She was dry every morning this week.  I love when things just click for them.  Woot woot a short time of no diapers or anything:)  I will enjoy this short little break. Very proud of her.
Love this silly girl to pieces.

Updates on Clifton -
I am not sure if he is trying to help me out with the parenting or what but he sure thinks he is in charge in this house.  He answers McKay's questions, tries to discipline her, tattles, everything.  It really gets under McKay's skin.  I am positive he is trying to help and he is also the first child, but I need to get ahold of this and try to calm it down.  Maybe he needs a job in the house where he is in charge of?

Updates on Baby #3 -
28 weeks almost to the third trimester, it only gets harder from here:/  But I have been able to stay active and that has made me feel better.  I am hoping I can keep it up.

Monday we had some beautiful weather and we got outside to play with our friends.
I am loving the warmer fall weather we are having thus far and so are the kids.

For FHE I really wanted to talk about pray.  The thing I felt the most impressed upon this general conference was prayer.  There were a couple talks about shielding our kids every morning with prayer.  We do great and night time, eating time, and family prayers but not morning prayers.  Even me:/  So we talked about the importance of prayer and made prayer rocks to help us pray in the morning as well.
And it has worked.  Clifton sees his rock and has reminded us every morning to pray.  Clifton has always had a crazy good memory.  I hope we can keep it up and make it a regular thing in our house.

Tuesday we decided to go visit the zoo.
Always fun to do.  However I underestimated how tired I would be after pushing two kids in a stroller around the zoo.  But it was a good exercise for me and we had a blast.

Thursday was another dance class for McKay.  She went in and was having a blast, then half way through she started crying and refused to stay.
Hoping it was just a bad day and that she still loves her dance class.  It has been so good for her.  Making friends and having something all about her and not about Clifton has helped with her attitude.

That night was Clifton's last soccer game of the season.  Oh we will miss it so much.  I LOVED coaching!  The whole family loved going, playing and cheering him on.
We are super excited for next year.  Randi once again put together another great soccer league and we feel so blessed to be apart of it.

Saturday our stake had a day of fitness.  They set up a mile loop and had places to stop along the mile and do different fitness tasks (push ups, lunges, jumping jacks, etc...)  Clifton was so very into it, probably one of my favorite things about him.  He is my little runner.  I plan on doing more and more runs with him and keep his excitement for running going strong.  We ran together 2 miles.  McKay did great the first mile but needed some motivation and being carried the second.  However very good attitudes from both of my kids.  A fun activity.
Plus there were ribbons for everyone who participated.

After the event we were by the little trains so we decided to go on a ride.
Always a fun thing to do.  I love riding the trains through the trees especially in fall time.  What a beautiful place Washington is.

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