
Monday, October 27, 2014

Sounders Game with the Family

Updates on Clifton -
He is mister know it all lately and believes what his friends tell him.  He will say something and I will tell him that its not correct and he will come back with "yes it is, I know it is."  So be careful what you tell him, he might believe it.  And he is starting to notice unfair things going on around him.  Like Alex drinks soda when he gets a head ache and Clifton wants soda.  I will let him have it every now and then but not often and he gets upset that his Dad gets it but not him.

Updates on McKay -
She is starting to wake up earlier and earlier:/  Hoping its a phase because she has always been my better sleeper and I don't enjoy both kids up at 6am.  She is still taking naps and really needs them when she wakes up that early.

Updates on Baby #3 -
30 weeks!!!!  And the count down begins:)  I may have forgotten how it felt with the other two but I swear this baby moves a whole lot more and its very very uncomfortable!  I think she/he is trying to rip or kick or punch out of there.  I am a little nervous as to what that means when she/he gets here:/

Monday night we carved pumpkins that we got from the pumpkin patch.
And it was a fun night.  At first the kids were afraid of touching the insides but eventually did it and had a blast.  Alex made the ninja turtle and I made the unikitty.  Both turned out well.

Thursday McKay had dance.  The last couple weeks she has been crying when we go to dance and saying she doesn't want to stay.  I was worried something happened but Thursday she enjoyed it again.  I stayed with her for the first 15 minutes dancing (yep the other moms were watching and laughing at prego trying to plié) but then I could watch from the other room.  She loved it again and it made me so happy.  Dance has been very good for McKay.
Her teacher brought in her points that day and let the kids try them on.  It was super cute!

Friday night the YMCA had a Halloween party.
 We haven't gotten their costumes together quite yet so we busted out some superhero costumes we already had.
It was real busy but still we had a fun night playing.

Saturday was a big day for us!  We had planned a trip to Seattle to watch the Sounders final game of the season with the kids, Grandma and Grandpa Peterson, Aunt Andrea, and some cub scouts and their family from our ward.  Oh it was such a wonderful day.  The weather worked out pretty good for us.  We had a beautiful ferry ride and dry walk to the stadium.  Our seats were covered so we stayed dry and warm.  The walk back was a little rainy but the kids really enjoyed walking and jumping in all the puddles and there are a lot of them in Seattle:)
We had so much fun and we won!!! Which was a big win for us because we won the Supporters Shield.  My kids did AMAZING and enjoyed being there.  But I think we will keep most Sounders games to date nights and with other adults:)  Maybe we will make a tradition of the whole family going to a game ONCE a year.  Now the Sounders go the playoff in 1st place.  My birthday is coming up and I am pretty sure we are going to the first game of the play offs.  Happy birthday to me, maybe the Sounders will win this year?

Every Sunday I get to go to church and spend time with the children of our ward.  Since serving with them my heart has doubled in size from the love that I have for them.  And Sunday it got even bigger when a class heart attacked the primary door for me.
What wonderful children they are so full of love and kindness.  And what wonderful teachers I get to serve with!  I am so blessed:)

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