
Monday, October 6, 2014

General Conference 2014

Updates on Clifton -
He has been complaining about his head hurting lately, which scares me.  He was sick this week so I was hoping it had to do with that but even when he was feeling better he complained about his head.  Alex gave him a blessing so hopefully they will stop or I can get guidance on what to do for him.  Alex gets migraines so it could be something like that.  But I feel so bad for him.

Updates on McKay -
This last week she has woken up with a dry pull up, so we are done with pull ups.  Let's see if we can be done for good!  She says she wants to be done with diapers so I sure hope so.  She took a lot longer than Clifton did so to me this feels like a long time.  But so happy she wants to be all done.

Clifton loves his sisters kisses:)
They sure make me laugh:)

Updates on Baby #3 -
27 weeks!  Glucose test happened this week, yuck!  And I have not heard anything so I am hoping that means I passed.
Yes I am wearing my Sounders jersey and yes I know it hardly fits, but I got to support my team:)

Monday for FHE we prepared for General Conference coming up this weekend.
We talked about following the prophet.  Then we played a game of follow the leader but put a picture of the prophet on the leader so we were following the prophet.  Simple but fun activity.

We were sick for a few days this week so we did not do too many fun things.  Just hid inside and cuddled:/  I guess we got to get use to sickness again, it's that time of year.

But by Thursday we were all feeling better and McKay could go to her dance class.
McKay is still loving her class and she is making friends.  Which is so good to see.  She often gets mad at other kids her age so I love seeing her play happily with friends.

Clifton was feeling better in time for soccer so he and I were able to go.
He got his soccer pictures in.  They turned out pretty cute!  I love my team photo and feel so blessed to be able to coach his team this year.

Sunday we got to spend the day at Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's and watch General Conference with family.  It is always fun to get together.  I think I ate a little too many yummy treats (Aunt Tracie makes delicious treats, I just can't say no too especially pregnant).
A wonderful session of conference and a wonderful time with family.  I think Grandpa survived the attack from Charlie and Clifton:)

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