
Monday, December 8, 2014

It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas

Updates on McKay -
She loves to blow dry her hair.  When I suggested it she was terrified but after we finished she loved it and asks to do it all the time now.

Updates on Clifton -
He ask the silliest questions all the time.  Like are blue and brown the same color?  Are they close to the same color? What color is yellow in the dark? What happens if its nine days till Christmas? What happens if Christmas is Halloween?  Those are just a few examples.

Updates on Baby #3
36 weeks! And it has hit hard.  I am so tired and achy.  Moving has become really hard and it hurts to move.  But I am trying my darnedest to keep active and keep my mind off of the pain and discomfort.  It helps to be busy.

Monday was the first of December and time for the Christmas tree to come up.  I love this time of year!
 My favorite ornament, thanks to my awesome sister in law!
A wonderful evening welcoming the Christmas spirit.

Tuesday for preschool we went to our friends house to do the annual gingerbread house decorating.
Oh how I love these little traditions.  What a wonderful time we had with friends.

This week we also started a 25 day activity countdown to Christmas that helps us remember the true meaning.  My kids have been loving it thus far.
Their favorite this week was eating dinner by candle light.  Silly how little things add so much excitement.

Saturday we went to Alex's work Christmas party.
Clifton and I discovered while getting ready that we have matching sweaters.  Clifton insisted we get one for McKay and Alex too.
At the party Santa came and brought gifts.  This is the first year they were not terrified of him:)

That night Port Orchard had their Christmas tree lighting festival.
McKay wanted in on the matching so we got our head bands out and she insisted we take a picture.
Tractor ride through our little town is always fun.  I sure love Port Orchard.

Sunday we walked through our Stakes Nativity.
Every year we greatly enjoy walking through and helping with the nativity.  I sure love love love this time of year and all the exciting things there is to do.

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