
Monday, December 15, 2014

Updates on McKay -
She is no longer napping and I am just fine with that.  She sleeps in a little later (usually) because she doesn't nap and goes straight to bed at night.

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton has been saving up pennies and coins he finds.  And he has an eye for coins.  He finally saved up a little more than a dollar.  We talked about tithing and had him pull his ten percent out.  Then we went to the store to pick something out with his money.  He was shocked with how little a dollar could get him (tough realization).  But he had fun buying it all buy himself and felt so big and important.  He choose a pack of gum.

Updates on Baby #3 -
37 weeks and having contractions.  Once it got pretty painful that I almost thought it was baby time.  But it wasn't! Hopefully soon, just not another Christmas baby.

Monday we got a package at our door from Aunt Andrea.  And it was ninabread men kit.  Clifton has always called gingerbread ninjabread making it an even better thing.  Yep Andrea is pretty much one of the coolest Aunts ever.  The kids were so wicked excited and it arrived on a great day since we promised the kids we'd go see christmas lights for FHE but it was raining pretty good.  So we made these!
Super cute.  And my house smelt like gingerbread all night. YUM!

Our favorite activity from the Christmas Christ Centered List was making cookies for friends/neighbors.
I am pretty sure there was more sprinkles than cookie :)

My kids have not been able to meet Baby Ella, Kathryn's new baby, yet.  We were all so super happy to be able to make a visit this week.
She is insanely adorable and the kids fell in love right away.  It was also nice for them to be able to play with Baylee and Madi, they have missed them.  We sure love our awesome friends!

Thursday night I was coming home after a meeting and a huge explosion blew over my head while driving.  I slammed on my brakes mainly because I was shocked and blinded by the light.  Then a little after a tree fell right by me.  A transformer blew right above me.  My heart was beating so fast.  I was almost home and when I got there I was shaking from fear.  But fear quickly turned to feeling blessed.  The power went out and the kids were having a blast playing with flash lights.  And we set up candles, ate snacks, read books, and played games.  It turned into one of the funniest nights.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful and fun family.

The rest of the week was full of partying.  I had the RS cookie exchange, an ugly sweater party and ended the week with a bow making party for a friends new baby girl coming soon.
It is always nice to get together with friends and celebrate.

Sunday McKay came into primary for music time to help prepare her for the transition into a Sunbeam.  She loved it.  It helps that the music leader let her hide in a box and play a game.  But the cutest thing happened.  She spotted Clifton and went to sit with him.
They liked each other for a little while and it was so cute!  Love these two so very much.

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