
Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Updates on Clifton -
This is how Clifton spends a lot of his time.  If I am sitting or laying down he is touching my belly.  It's often too much but cute as well.  He loves when the baby kicks his face.  He is getting anxious for the baby.  He has asked everyday all week, "are you having our baby tomorrow?"

Updates on McKay -
She loves dancing and is quite cute when she does.  My favorite thing is her bow after she has done something.  She loves going to Zumba with me and I love her being my dance partner.

Updates on Baby #3 -
35 weeks.  Slowly getting closer and closer to meeting our baby.  I am having random contractions and Braxton hicks, which is different from the other pregnancies where I had none till baby time.  But nothing consistent or painful.

For FHE we made our gratitude tree.
One of my favorite traditions and the kids are getting older so they have more things they can think to be grateful for.

Tuesday for preschool we had a Thanksgiving Feast.  The kids helped make cookies, open green beans, lay biscuits on the pan, cut up bananas, and roll deli turkey.  It was so cute to watch them help cook and to eat what they cooked.  A super fun day!

Wednesday we decided to go bowling.
Its probably been almost a year since we have been and it was a lot of fun.

Thursday was Thanksgiving!  We traveled down to Alex's parents for the day.
 Fruit turkey made especially for me! Or furkey as I called it.  I have awesome sister in laws.
The best part is playing and just spending time with cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, etc...  A wonderful relaxing day with family and eating.  Plus they celebrated my birthday and I got some of the most thoughtful gifts.  I am very very blessed.

Saturday we got a light dusting of snow!
Best start to our day - sipping hot coco and watching the snow fall.
And some time playing outside.

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