
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He has been doing so amazing with Stanley arriving but this week it has seemed to have ended.  He is struggling.  I am not sure if he has gotten tired of me saying "you need to wait till mom is done feeding Stanley" or "we can't because Stanley..." but he is arguing and fighting about everything.  I sure hope we can figure this out and he can get back to being a happy boy.

Updates on McKay -
She seems to be getting a little better.  Not as much screaming and yelling.  So hopefully she is starting to get use to having Stanley around and what that means.

Updates on Stanley -
He is smiling more and more! We all love it.  We all do silly things all day long to get him to smile and try to make him laugh.  He sure is super cute!

Monday my parents were still in town so we went out and played all morning at the Lemay Car Museum.
It was a lot of fun.  There was a ton of kids activities and couple cars the kids could actually get into and touch.

It was a beautiful week in Washington!  We enjoyed our week getting out and taking walks.

Fun pictures from this week.
 How McKay got herself dressed one morning.  Silly girl!
 McKay doing Stanley's hair.  She sure thought it was funny.
 The reason it is so hard to get out of bed in the morning.  I sometimes wish I could snuggle ALL day long.
Peterson bath time.  Don't worry I am holding onto him.  Clifton and McKay thought it was awesome that Stanley was taking a bath with them.  Cute kids.
More cuteness from this boy!  Sometimes I can't handle all of this cuteness!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Stanley's Blessing

Updates on Clifton - 
He has always been big on numbers but lately is really interested in math (addition) and quietly sits thinking about numbers and will randomly say,  "do you know what # + # equals" and then he will tell me and most of the time be right.

Updates on McKay -
She must have had a huge growth spurt because all of the sudden all her pants are high waters and all her shirts are belly shirt.  Time to go shopping, which she loves doing!
McKay sure can be a handful and super emotional but she can also be the sweetest little girl I know.
She loves her brother so very much.  They cuddled like this for about an hour. 
She was even singing to him, it was so sweet!

Updates on Stanley -
His bronchiolitis is still lingering.  He is feeling better but has a coughing fit every once in a while, usually at night time
We got his first real smiles this week!
Oh what a cute smile he has!
And he makes the cutest sad face ever!  He was making us all laugh by giving us a huge smile and then this sad face right after.

I started preschool back up with my kids.  And to start it off we had a Valentines party with some friends.
What a fun morning it was.  We are so very blessed with awesome friends.
I have enjoyed doing preschool again with my kids.  I am a little surprised how much they have missed it the last month and how excited they are to be doing it again.
Thursday for preschool we did pictures of why we love certain friends - this one is for Daddy.  

Friday we had family come into town.  My brother Justin and his awesome family.
We had fun enjoying their company and the great weather.

Saturday we had my parents came into town for Stanley's blessing on Sunday.
We enjoyed their company and more wonderful weather.  The kids love riding on Grandpa :)

Sunday was Stanley's blessing.
And he sure looked mighty handsome.  I loved his outfit :)  The bow tie!  I need to get more for all my men and ASAP. 
I am one lucky lady to have such a wonderful family and especially a great husband who holds the priesthood and can bless our children.  It was a great blessing.

After church all our loved ones that came to Stanley's blessing came over for some more time together.
We all squished into our house and had a good time.  Family is such great thing.  It was a wonderful and beautiful day!  Thank you all who came to celebrate Stanley!  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Stanley's One Month

Updates on Clifton -
Poor Clifton has been stuck inside all week and had a hard time with all his energy.  We had to be creative and think of games to play that requires moving a ton.  Thank goodness he is super competitive and anything that I make into a challenge he is 100% in.  His favorite one is to see how fast he can run up the stairs and slide down.  Then he would try to beat his record.  I sure love his competitiveness with himself.

Updates on McKay -
Oh man we are still very much struggling with her.  She has gone back to needing naps, which is probably best so we can both get a break.  I am trying to figure out how to give her the attention she needs so that this behavior does not continue.

Updates on Stanley -
He is one month old!  I cannot believe it has been a month already.
It has been a tough week for the little guy.  He got a cold and suffered from a bad cough.  I ended up taking him into the doctors because he wasn't eating and was sleeping a ton.  They said he has bronchiolitis.  Nothing they can do just get through it.  He was feeling a lot better by the end of the week but still had a lingering cough.  I forget how horrible a simple cough can be for a little one.  It's heart breaking.
Look at my muscles mom!  Man he is adorable :)
Thanks to my wonderful friend Kathryn for the tie month cutouts.  The are super cute.  And I will try my darnedest to remember to take a picture each month.

Because Stanley was not feeling so great this week we stayed home.  Which made for a hard week.
But we managed to make it fun and not go insane.
 Dance parties!
 Forts with Christmas lights
A little photo shoot.  I wish I was talented and could take better pictures of these cute kiddos.  But good thing is they are darn cute.

Stanley's cold has made for a rough week, but it also made for the cutest snore I have ever heard.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Superbowl Sunday

Updates on Clifton -
Still very helpful!  However he has a lot of energy being built up from being at home more often.  We are struggling with getting out so he gets a little wound up.  Hopefully this is just a short time that we are stuck at home more often or we can find a way to get his energy out.

Updates on McKay -
Oh boy are we struggling!  She does better at home but does end up in her room a lot because she is crying and screaming.  She is making it hard to go out not Stanley:/  Hopefully we will get past this and be able to have fun again and not as many time outs.

Updates on Stanley -
He is getting better at sleeping at night.  Most nights I get three hour chunks before having to get up and feed him again.  I struggle with not cuddling with him in bed, which I fear will come back to bite me.  My other kids never slept in the bed with us and have never had an issue of trying to sleep with us.  But I think I feel like this is the only time Stanley and I get to ourselves so I want to cuddle.  He is only this little and cuddly for a sort amount of time!

Although we are struggling with trying to find a balance and happiness we sure are very happy and love our Mr. Stanley.
I cannot get enough of this cuddling.  I just love him so much!

Monday we had some friends come over for FHE and for activity we decorated heart cookies.
Yum.  I found out my kids prefer to eat sprinkles more than cookies.  Weirdos!

We got a couple new toys out for Stanley.
Turns out baby toys are SUPER fun and entertaining for all ages :)

Wednesday my sister in law, Rebecca, come over for the day to play.  It was so nice to have another adult to talk to and play with.
The weather was nice enough we got to take a nice long walk to the park.

Thursday we meet with our wonderful friends at a park.
I think they missed each other :)  It was a beautiful day and so nice to get out.  It was so good for Clifton.  However McKay struggled and we ended up leaving with me dragging her back to the car in full on melt down.  But well worth it.  I just need to learn how to leave before we get to that point with McKay.

Saturday we had some friends visit.
It was so nice to see them.  We sure do miss having them as our neighbors.  And its always nice to have company over.

Sunday was the Superbowl and the Seahawks were in it again!  We got together with Alex's family to watch the game.
 My little 12th man kiddos.
 What's cooking good looking?
Cousins cuddling.  Oh the love that they all have for each other makes me so very happy.  Even though it ended with a loss for the Seahawks we had a great time.  And it was a good game!