
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Stanley's One Month

Updates on Clifton -
Poor Clifton has been stuck inside all week and had a hard time with all his energy.  We had to be creative and think of games to play that requires moving a ton.  Thank goodness he is super competitive and anything that I make into a challenge he is 100% in.  His favorite one is to see how fast he can run up the stairs and slide down.  Then he would try to beat his record.  I sure love his competitiveness with himself.

Updates on McKay -
Oh man we are still very much struggling with her.  She has gone back to needing naps, which is probably best so we can both get a break.  I am trying to figure out how to give her the attention she needs so that this behavior does not continue.

Updates on Stanley -
He is one month old!  I cannot believe it has been a month already.
It has been a tough week for the little guy.  He got a cold and suffered from a bad cough.  I ended up taking him into the doctors because he wasn't eating and was sleeping a ton.  They said he has bronchiolitis.  Nothing they can do just get through it.  He was feeling a lot better by the end of the week but still had a lingering cough.  I forget how horrible a simple cough can be for a little one.  It's heart breaking.
Look at my muscles mom!  Man he is adorable :)
Thanks to my wonderful friend Kathryn for the tie month cutouts.  The are super cute.  And I will try my darnedest to remember to take a picture each month.

Because Stanley was not feeling so great this week we stayed home.  Which made for a hard week.
But we managed to make it fun and not go insane.
 Dance parties!
 Forts with Christmas lights
A little photo shoot.  I wish I was talented and could take better pictures of these cute kiddos.  But good thing is they are darn cute.

Stanley's cold has made for a rough week, but it also made for the cutest snore I have ever heard.

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