
Monday, February 16, 2015

Stanley's Blessing

Updates on Clifton - 
He has always been big on numbers but lately is really interested in math (addition) and quietly sits thinking about numbers and will randomly say,  "do you know what # + # equals" and then he will tell me and most of the time be right.

Updates on McKay -
She must have had a huge growth spurt because all of the sudden all her pants are high waters and all her shirts are belly shirt.  Time to go shopping, which she loves doing!
McKay sure can be a handful and super emotional but she can also be the sweetest little girl I know.
She loves her brother so very much.  They cuddled like this for about an hour. 
She was even singing to him, it was so sweet!

Updates on Stanley -
His bronchiolitis is still lingering.  He is feeling better but has a coughing fit every once in a while, usually at night time
We got his first real smiles this week!
Oh what a cute smile he has!
And he makes the cutest sad face ever!  He was making us all laugh by giving us a huge smile and then this sad face right after.

I started preschool back up with my kids.  And to start it off we had a Valentines party with some friends.
What a fun morning it was.  We are so very blessed with awesome friends.
I have enjoyed doing preschool again with my kids.  I am a little surprised how much they have missed it the last month and how excited they are to be doing it again.
Thursday for preschool we did pictures of why we love certain friends - this one is for Daddy.  

Friday we had family come into town.  My brother Justin and his awesome family.
We had fun enjoying their company and the great weather.

Saturday we had my parents came into town for Stanley's blessing on Sunday.
We enjoyed their company and more wonderful weather.  The kids love riding on Grandpa :)

Sunday was Stanley's blessing.
And he sure looked mighty handsome.  I loved his outfit :)  The bow tie!  I need to get more for all my men and ASAP. 
I am one lucky lady to have such a wonderful family and especially a great husband who holds the priesthood and can bless our children.  It was a great blessing.

After church all our loved ones that came to Stanley's blessing came over for some more time together.
We all squished into our house and had a good time.  Family is such great thing.  It was a wonderful and beautiful day!  Thank you all who came to celebrate Stanley!  

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