
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He has been doing so amazing with Stanley arriving but this week it has seemed to have ended.  He is struggling.  I am not sure if he has gotten tired of me saying "you need to wait till mom is done feeding Stanley" or "we can't because Stanley..." but he is arguing and fighting about everything.  I sure hope we can figure this out and he can get back to being a happy boy.

Updates on McKay -
She seems to be getting a little better.  Not as much screaming and yelling.  So hopefully she is starting to get use to having Stanley around and what that means.

Updates on Stanley -
He is smiling more and more! We all love it.  We all do silly things all day long to get him to smile and try to make him laugh.  He sure is super cute!

Monday my parents were still in town so we went out and played all morning at the Lemay Car Museum.
It was a lot of fun.  There was a ton of kids activities and couple cars the kids could actually get into and touch.

It was a beautiful week in Washington!  We enjoyed our week getting out and taking walks.

Fun pictures from this week.
 How McKay got herself dressed one morning.  Silly girl!
 McKay doing Stanley's hair.  She sure thought it was funny.
 The reason it is so hard to get out of bed in the morning.  I sometimes wish I could snuggle ALL day long.
Peterson bath time.  Don't worry I am holding onto him.  Clifton and McKay thought it was awesome that Stanley was taking a bath with them.  Cute kids.
More cuteness from this boy!  Sometimes I can't handle all of this cuteness!


  1. I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning for the very same reason! Just want to snuggle and stare at my beautiful baby all day!
    Your kids are so stinkin cute! And you capture so many great photos. I especially like the bath pictures. You're brave to put them all in together....every one of my babies has been known to poop in the tub...frequently.

    1. I have crazy lucky and have never had a poop in bath episode. KNOCK ON WOOD!
