
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Clifton Turns Six

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton turned six this week, SIX!  Boy how he is growing up.  We sure love how energetic, funny, smart, kind, and sporty he is.
Yes he is in PJ's - it happened to be pajama day at school on his birthday.
He got a hair cut to look nice and sharp for his birthday.  Handsome man.

Updates on McKay -
Her knew thing to say is genius.  If she says something right she'll say "I'm a genius."  If someone (usually her brother) says something wrong she'll say "you're not a genius."  She says the silliest things!

Updates on Stanley -
Saying a couple new words - birdie, go, and yah.  He says yah to everything, I kind of hope it stays around and no's want ever happen ;)
He got a hair cut too, but mommy messed up and used the wrong size clippers - oops.  Good thing he still looks cute bald!

Monday we talked about Easter and the real meaning.  Then decorated eggs.

McKay could not be more excited that her egg came put pink... love that girls excitement!
The eggs turned out pretty cute!

We had decent weather this week so we spent time with friends outside whenever we could.
 Ready for the sun to be around more often.
Taking advantage of the free cone day at DQ.

Thursday was St. Patrick's Day
We celebrated with green food all day.
McKay had dance that day and she wanted to wear as much green as she could find.  My cute leprechaun ballerina.
Stanley loves when he gets to join in with dance class.

Friday was Clifton's big day.
I went to have lunch, recess, and help out in his class that day.  It was such a fun time.   I loved spending time with him and his friends.

That night we had his birthday party at Olympic Sports Center.
So many of his friends came out to celebrate. Man of man that boy sure is loved by many.  It was a crazy fun party.  He says it was the best birthday party ever.  We then had our coed soccer game and finally won a game!  A good day.

That night we gave Clifton his birthday present... Sounders tickets.

He was so excited!

Grandma and Grandpa Stanley came into town for Clifton's birthday.  So Saturday morning we went out to play while Daddy was at a YM's campout.
Naval museum
Playing with some of Clifton's new toys during Stanley's nap time.

Then that night we headed to the game and Grandpa came too
Ferry ride!
March to the match.
Game time!
We even got to see family during half time!
Late night walk to the ferry!  Clifton said the lights were one of his favorite things about the trip.
A great birthday present for Clifton we had so much fun.  Sadly we lost (thanks to the two penalty kicks that the ref wrongly called) but still a great night!

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