
Monday, March 7, 2016

Tummy Bug

Update on Clifton -
I need to sign Clifton up for something outside of school.  He sure seems super bored when he gets home and needs something else.

Update on McKay -
She had a little tummy bug this week but handled it like a champ.  Finally learned how to throw up in a bowl or toilet!

Update on Stanley -
He is a mommy's boy, no question.  If mom is around he doesn't want anyone else.  But thats fine with me :)  He sure is silly!
Pirate Stanley.

Monday for FHE we talked about showing love to each other and filling up our love buckets.  Clifton and McKay often fight, say mean things, and do things just to make each other upset.  So I am trying to find a way to settle that down a little. 
Every time we catch each other filling up others love buckets we can put a pom-pom in our family's love bucket. Once we fill it we will go roller skating as a family.  Here's hoping it works!

Tuesday we lost power and the dinner I had in the croquet was ruined.
But we still had our friends come over for a candle light dinner.  Dinner brought to you by Fred Meyers deli.  It was a fun night.

Wednesday was had a fun preschool morning with these two.  
Aren't they the cutest bunnies!  I love preschool.

Thursday was the start of a little stomach bug in our house.  Started with McKay, then me, then Alex.  Stanley and Clifton have not (and hopefully won't) gotten it.  That lead to lots and lots of cuddling.
Can't be too upset about getting to cuddle all day :)

Friday Clifton had his school pinewood derby.
Clifton did most of the work on his car.  Alex shaped it like Clifton wanted, then clifton sanded it and colored it.
It was super cute to see him get so excited to watch his car race, even if it lost ;)

I wasn't feeling great that night but we all still went to our soccer game.
We sure are lucky to have great friends with awesome kids who are willing to help out with my kiddos.  Makes me happy!

Saturday was Alex turn to be sick, which sadly ruined our plans to go to the temple with our friends.  But the sun was shining, I think for the first time this week.  So the kids and I got out.
Bike ride/walk to a park and swinging the afternoon away.

Sunday was the beginning of the Sounders season and we couldn't be more excited!
We got to have our friends over to watch the game and eat dinner.  Fun night even though the Sounders lost.  Let's not hope this is not what our season will look like.

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