
Monday, August 8, 2016

Alex's Birthday!

Updates on Clifton -
He is having a hard time being at a new place.  He has asked to go back to our old house a few times. He misses the sidewalks, which I don't blame the guy I miss them too.  Luckily the place we bought our house has the best walking/running/biking trails.  So just a few more weeks.  Its also hard to be told don't do that all day.  I am so worried about breaking something that he probably hears no more than yes.  We are very blessed but it has been hard on my kids to be in a house that is not ours.

Updates on McKay -
McKay is struggling as well and having epic break downs.  I am tying very hard to get back to a normal schedule and hope that helps some.

Updates on Stanley -
He seems to be handling things the best but his sleep has been off.  Waking up for a couple hours every night or waking up for good at 5 AM.
But he's a happy guy!
Even if he bonked his head in the exact same spot three times in one week.  He is for sure my wildest one.

This week I tried to get out everyday and have some fun.
We had nice weather all week which means we needed to have a popsicle each day.
Watering... my kids :)  Who knew a watering can could be so much fun?
 Play ground fun with friends.

Walking  or scootering the Narrows bridge.
It was a fun walk.  Finally taking it off my to do list after living here for 7 years.

Library fun!

Nerf gun battles

Lots of walks.
They can't wait to have more places to walk.

Baking and making dinner together.
Something we all really love doing, even if it means I gain a few pounds.  It's one of my favorite things to do together.
Oh and dancing while baking makes it even better.

I got a much needed hair cut and the kids had to photobomb me trying to get a selfie.
Silly kids.

Thursday we went to the concert on they Bay while daddy had a meeting.

Friday I made Alex take the day off so we could celebrate his birthday.
 Suit shopping for his present.  Yep that looks nice!  He is all mine ladies.
 Furniture shopping and being silly.
Then we went to see Suicide Squad.  Good movie!

Saturday was Alex's official birthday.
The kids helped decorate the house and then we sang to him before he left to spend the evening with his brother and sister at the Mariners game.


 Stanley helping me pick put my outfit.
And of course Sunday bake day.  We made treats to take over to the Morton's.  We had a wonderful time having dinner and dessert with them.

Fun pictures from the week.
McKay one minute after a huge melt down.
Love these crazy kids of mine.
Clifton's use to like my kisses.
Stanley trying to get in on the not getting along hugs.

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