
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Lil Saint Soccer 2016

Updates on Clifton -
He has asked a few times when will school start again.  I think he might be ready to get back to more structure!

Updates on McKay -
Still struggling with her emotions and expressing herself.  Lots of melt down and I am doing everything I can to get the structure she needs and not let the melt downs bring me down.  I am pretty sure the Lord is trying to teach me patience.  I am trying!

Updates on Stanley -
Must be teething but I swear he has all that are to be in already.  But he has his hands in his mouth all the time and tries to bite things.

Monday's track run turned into a fun morning in a sand pit.
And we ended up back there that night for FHE.  We had the Peterson Olympics!
Such a fun night together.

Stanley's adorable long jump.

Tuesday was the start of the Lil Saints Soccer season.
This year I am coaching Clifton's team and Alex is coaching McKay's team.  Well really we are doing it all together.
McKay's first season ever.  And the first practice went ok.  Only a couple melt downs.  Hopefully this helps her and not hinders her.  So far she is excited to be playing soccer!
Clifton has been counting down the days till he started soccer again and couldn't be happier to be out on the field again.

We had a lot of fun playing this week.
 Play group
 Getting our work outs in
 Library puppet show
 Water fun
And playing at Manchester Beach.  They let me snap some cute pictures of them too.  Love these cuties!

Saturday was our primary Scripture Olympics.  I have been planning this for a while now and so excited that it all came together.  We have such a wonderful ward that is willing to come play.
 My Olympians!
 Stripling Warrior Weightlifitng.
 Lamanite vs Nephite Tug-O-War
 Noah's Ark Hurdle
 Promise Land Ribbon Dancing
 Gadianton Robbers Archery
David and Goliath Shot Put.  We also had Brother of Jared Rowing and Golden Plate Long Jump.  It was so much fun.  I just love my ward family!

Then that night Alex and I got to go to the temple and do some sealings for family names.
It was wonderful.  The peace the temple brings is something I need in my life and feel blessed to be able to go.

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