
Monday, August 1, 2016

Making the Best of Being Homeless

Updates on Clifton -
Is really into watching sports on tv lately.  It's cute!

Updates on McKay -
Still the one struggling the most with all these changes.  Hopefully being somewhat settled for a little will help.
These two have been fighting a ton lately!  So we are trying the hug it out method.  Every time they  fight they have to hug each other for a minute without fighting.  McKay actually enjoys the punishment but Clifton on the other hand.  It has actually worked so we shall keep it up.

Updates on Stanley -
Still doing the best with all these changes.  He sure is doing well at going with the flow!
He is also talking a ton more, not a lot of it is understandable but its cute to hear him try and then look at me like, "right?".

This week the kids and I were house hopping.  Alex stayed in Silverdale with a friend so he could work all week.  Not having a home and regular structure has thrown my two older kids for a loop.  So my goal was to true and make the most fun out of this situation as possible and make fun memories.
I think I succeeded.  One things for sure I am exhausted!

Monday we went into Olympia to play with cousin Charlie and Macey at the new Boom Shaka trampoline park.
 Took bribery for him to do this!  He doesn't get that from me, I am all about the thrill.
 He didn't love the foam pit,
But loved the trampolines and balls!  This picture captures my crazy Stanley.  Now thats more like me :)  Boom Shaka was seriously the funnest place.  It left me wanting to come back, especially without kiddos.  Fun place!

Then we headed to Tumwater Falls
 Such a beautiful little hike.
 My cute hiking boy.
Oh and of course some Pokemon Go.

Then Charlie came with us to Grandma's to have a sleep over.
 Which lead to sprinkler fun.
 The boys thought it was hilarious that they left bottom prints.  Boys!
 Cuddling with Charlie!
S'mores with Uncle Brandon!
Clifton 's masterpiece... chocolate carmel cookie s'mores.  He was quite proud of his creation.
Stanley liked his S'more too.

Tuesday we went to  The Secret Life of the Pets with Charlie, Grandma, and Aunt Tracie.

Then played outside.
Which lead to a big bonk on Stanley's head.  Poor boy!
Blackberry picking and of course eating.  Such a fun time at Grandma's and Grandpa's.  They sure took good care of us and we really appreciated it.  Uncle Brandon was very sweet and helpful as well.    I am very very very blessed to have married into such a great family who loves me as if I was one of their own.

Wednesday we headed to Portland!
Got to love teenage cousins showing us all the cool apps.

Thursday we hiked Multnomah Falls and Clifton was so very much into it.  McKay well it was an effort to get her to hike, thankfully Grandma was willing to go back with her.
 Along the way we found this cute rock.  It says Be Happy on the back.  Made our day!  Now we plan to go home and paint our own rocks and leave them for people to find.

Next we headed to Bonneville Dam.
 Huge sturgeons, yay this is one reason I don't love swimming in lakes and rivers.  I would pee myself if I say one of these.
We had a blast feeding the fish and ducks.

After getting a nap in we went out to play again.
Splash pad with Grandma and cousins!

Then swimming later before bed time.
Thanks to my sister in laws parents for letting us play at their pool.

Friday we hit up VooDoo Donughts for breakfast!
Yum, yum, yum!

Then to OMSI before we head back to Port Orchard.
We sure had fun!  We are so thankful for my brother Justin and sister in law Mechelle for letting us stay with them and being so helpful and sweet.
Then we headed back to Port Orchard.  We can move into a fiends house while they are on a mission until we close on our new home.  Again we are so very thankful for the many people who are willing to help us out.  We appreciate the Donahue's a ton.
Saturday was National Dance Day so I got some friends together to dance to some of the dance cardio routines I made up.
I am so blessed with friends that are willing to do this stuff with me!

Then we headed to our friends party for some ice blocking.
A ton of fun!

Then it was time to get serious and move some of our stuff into the Donahues.  Thankful for friends that were willing to lead their time and trucks to help us.  Jim, Scott, and Dave are the best!  Also a huge shout out to the Dyal's for letting us store our stuff in their garage will we were homeless.

That night we got to sit down together and have a homemade meal.
It has been a while since we have been able to do that and it was so so so nice.  Love this family of mine.

Sunday for primary I wanted to use the wonderful Time Machine Trissa made.  Alex is seriously the best husband.  He was willing to help me out and role play Captain Moroni.
The kids loved it and so did I.

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