
Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Fun

Updates on Clifton -
Is getting too old... he doesn't want to watch "little kid shows" anymore (except if I turn it on, he happily watches it) and wants to watch big kid stuff like football and soccer.  He doesn't want to play "little kid games" anymore.  At a birthday party this week we were playing soccer and a friend of his came along.  We invited him to join in and Clifton said no I want to play with just him and let Alex and I in the dust.  I would be lying if I said I am ok with this.  I hope its a phase, because I am still not too old for kids shows, kids games, and playing with my parents!

Updates on McKay -
Had a good week and loved all the fun plans we had.

Updates on Stanley -
Well he officially sleeps through the night!  Hopefully I am not jinxing it, because it feels so good!

Monday night we carved and painted our pumpkins!
Stanley was the most into it.  He loved pulling out pumpkin guts.
My pumpkin.
 Alex's pumpkin.
The kids pumpkins.  Clifton begged to carve but it sure makes me nervous having him hold and play with a knife.  Maybe next year.

We had a fun and busy week playing...
 Still loving dance class.
 Tried to change the kitchen sink faucet by myself but couldn't get the old one off.  Thankfully Alex was able to help and we got it off and the new one on.  It may have taken us all night but we did it!
Enjoying the wildlife in our backyard.  It never gets old.  We sure love it.

Apple picking at our friends house.
We filled up two bags and the kids didn't want to stop.  Good times with friends.

Preschool Halloween party.
 Mickey Mouse eating cheese (ironic).
Grumpy Mickey.  Hahaha makes me laugh every time I look at it, its tough to be one and mom throws fun parties.
A kitty and Mickey helping me make pumpkin shaped pizza crust for the party.
We had a lot of fun with our friends celebrating Halloween.

Friday night was our wards Halloween Carnival.
 So we busted out our costumes!  Mario Brothers family.
 Stanley didn't love the hat but darn it Yoshi is so cute!
 Mario didn't really love the idea of Princess Peach kissing him but he loves him Mom so let it happen for a picture!
 Mario Brothers!
Love my man!  Such a fun party.

Saturday we went to our little friends birthday party at OSC and loved playing soccer with the kids.  Then Alex and I got to go on a much needed date.
Ice skating!  Alex even pushed me around on the little kids seal chair thing and we didn't get in trouble for it.  Such a wonderful time together to just be the silly us we are.

Sunday was Sunday Bakeday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Updates on Clifton -
He started choir and LOVES it.  When I pick him up he always ask why it has to be so short.  I'm glad he likes it.

Updates on McKay -
Loves to color and make me "books".  I love it because it entertains her for hours and she is quite creative.

Updates on Stanley -
Has always gone to bed well, not a great sleeper but I could always lay him down, kiss him goodnight, and he'd just go to bed by himself.  Until Thursday I laid him down like normal and a minute later he is screaming bloody murder.  I am not sure if something scared him but now getting him to sleep is hard.  That day I could only get him to sleep if I laid next to him in bed.  And that night he literally feel asleep standing up.  It is getting better but it was such a random thing.
Silly boy!

This week Alex was out of town again, in Georgia, so we stayed real busy to make the week pass quickly.  Monday I got to volunteer in Clifton's school.  Oh how much I love being in the classroom.
Plus I get so many hugs and kisses from this cutie while I am there.

That night for FHE we had our friends over and decorated cookies.
And took them over to our new neighbors.  Fun and messy night!

Preschool is still a blast.
 Alphabet ghost hunt.

Dance class is still going well. 
McKay's teacher is always so sweet and patient with Stanley and lets him join in from time to time.

We had so many leaves in our yard, I decided it was time for a leaf blower.  McKay and Stanley were great helpers.
Of course we had to have some fun with it.

I love being silly with my kids.

I changed another sink faucet, but this one was the most stubborn faucet to change.  I even had to take the sink off the stand to get the faucet off.
But it was so worth it.

Out exploring the beauty of our backyard.  We are so blessed!
Stanley is such my wild child, he'd jump into any body of water head first without hesitation.

Friday after school the kids and I went to Miracle Ranch for their harvest festival.  Of course it was sunny all day until we got to the ranch.  But a little rain doesn't stop us from having fun!
 Stanley makes that face all the time and it kills me :)
 They are so my kids!
 Hay ride.  I am a real Washingtonian and didn't bring an umbrella but the ranch had some to share.
Pumpkin chucking.
Dancing after the rodeo.  My golly they are so cute!

We got Alex back Friday night and couldn't wait to get to the pumpkin patch Saturday.
Fun morning together as a family.

Alex left me alone with his phone for a few minutes and I had halloween costumes out.  So... this is what happened :)
I sure think I am funny.  He had a church meeting that night so I was hoping he'd find it there and others would see it and think he was a weirdo.  He quickly changed it!

Sunday after church we went down to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's house to celebrate Sept - Nov birthdays.  Which included me!
My in laws sure spoil me.  They got me LulaRoe and Sounders flag.  Man they know me so well!
Spending time with family is so great.  Cousins are the best!  We sure are blessed.