
Monday, October 10, 2016

Fall Ya'll

Updates on Clifton -
Loves reading, especially during family scripture time.  It may take quite a bit more time but it makes my heart so happy and it gets him to sit still.
I love seeing what Clifton brings home from school.
This is for sure my favorite ever... GO AUMARAKA!

Updates on McKay -
Loves helping, making her food, doing the dishes, sweeping, etc...  Hopefully it sticks!

Updates on Stanley -
He has the silliest personality.  He loves twinkle little star and requires it to be sung each night before bed time.  He asks for it to be sung as many times it takes until he is satisfied.  Some nights its once and others its ten.  If I put him down before he says goodnight he will just scream and scream "STAR!" till he gets twinkle little star sung again.  I know I could just let him scream till he goes to bed but I think its cute that he wants the song sung to him.

Monday for FHE we did our annual pumpkin head activity and talked about what it means to be reverent.
I love them!

We had another fun and busy week.
Raking and playing in the leaves.  I am sure we won't always love the fact that we have to rake leaves but for now we love it!
Preschool fun.
Stanley joining in on the dance class fun.
A couple rainy soccer nights.
And of course nice warm bubble baths after the cold soccer nights.
Changing the ugly gold door knobs with my cute handy man.

Saturday the kids and I went out to play.
A cute fruit stand in our neighborhood had a little harvest celebration.

While we went out playing, Alex worked very hard to texture and paint the bathroom.
When we got home he even let the kiddos help.

Sunday was bake day!

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