
Monday, October 17, 2016

Big or Not So Big Storm

Updates on Clifton -
I am struggling with him these days.  He has always been my little pal but he talks back SO much.  I struggle with not getting frustrated.

Updates on McKay -
She is loving preschool and dance.

Updates on Stanley -
He refuses to call McKay and Clifton by their names, instead calls them mama and dada.  Silly boy!  I know he can say there name but won't call them it.  His vocabulary is getting so big and he is making sentences.  It's pretty darn cute!
Stanley's new thing is peeking while we are praying to see if he can sneak some food.

Monday Clifton did not have school so we went out to play at the corn maze.  Luckily we got blessed with beautiful weather.
Such a fun morning playing together.

That night for FHE we went out Booing friends, a loved tradition in this house.  I just love traditions and even more as they get older.  As we were doing it Clifton and McKay giggled and laughed about past times we have done it and got caught.  Love it!

Alex headed to California for a few days this week.

The rest of the week back to the regular hustle and bustle...
Tuesday was the last night of soccer and we had great weather for it.
Preschool fun.
Dance class.
 I replaced the faucets in the bathroom and crazy proud of myself.
And the toilet handles.  Almost all the gold is out of the house! Now to get the pink out.
Stanley was being pretty helpful ;)
Boys with their cute new hair cuts!
Arcade fun.
Then the rain started.  Instead of being sad about it we got out and played in it!
After that day playing in the rain, Stanley wakes up asking... "more puddles, please."  How do I say no?

We were expecting a huge storm so we canceled all our fun plans Saturday and stayed home.  But of course made the most of it.
We made boats and raced them in the rain and of course jumped in puddles again.
And went to explore our back yard pond to see it has filled up!
Then we got a nice warm bath and sat by the fireplace.
And waited for the big storm to hit, which it never did.  But we were ready if it had!

Sunday Alex left for Georgia early in the morning (one day we will see him more often :/ he has traveled three out of the last four weeks) and the storm may not have hit but it sure did rain a lot.  Because of all the rain there was tons of water on the roads.  Alex hydroplaned off the freeway on his way to the airport and into a ditch.  It was a huge scare and horrible way to start his trip.  He had to be towed out and missed his flight, but he was safe and the car still works.  He was able to get a later flight and made it safely there!
That day at church was the last Sunday I got to serve with one of my favorite people, Trissa.  She has been serving in primary with me for 3 and 1/2 years.  I am so so so sad not to be working with her in primary anymore but glad to have built such a wonderful friendship with her.  Excited to see what wonderful things she will do in her new calling.

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