
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

4th of July and Camping

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton has this habit of telling something over and over again even if I ask him to stop.
This time it was that Stanley had a poopy diaper.  I was showering and he came in a told me about a dozen times and requested I change him right away.  Even though I told him i will get to it when I can he still kept coming.  So I thought of a great punishment for not listening.  Yep changing the said poopy diaper.  He wasn't happy about it :)

Updates on McKay -
Loves to read signs every where.  I love this stage of just learning to read and noticing all the words around her.

Updates on Stanley -
Loves Superman.  If people ask him his name he will say its Superman.  The other day he pointed at a baby and said baby.  Then I said are you a baby?  He said no.  I said are you a big boy and he said no to my surprise.  He said I am superman!  Silly boy.

Monday Alex had off!  This year we decided to celebrate with Alex's family on the 3rd.  SO we head to Issaquah for the day.
Cousin time is always the best!

The 4th of July! We got up dressed all festive and went to work.
Lil Saints needs a storage shed and we couldn't find someone open to build it and didn't want to spend the money on the cost of one already built and delivered.  So we decided we would do it and the 4th seemed like a good open day.
11 hours later and we were not quite done.  I was kind of sad we didn't do much to celebrate the 4th that day but my kids had a blast.  I don't think I heard one complaint all day and no fighting.  The had a lot of freedom to run around with friends, help build, and just be kids.  It was a great and tiring day.
We decided since we were all exhausted and Alex had to be up early the next day to head to Camp Heleman we would not go watch fireworks and just head to bed.  But of course we got our sparkler and pop its out before heading to bed.
This is how Alex pop's it :)

Wednesday Alex headed to Camp Heleman for the rest of the week.
It's a lot of work but he does really enjoy working with the young men.

That day we headed to the library with friends to join in on the fun library activities.
Olympic games.
And beach fun.

Then as we were walking to the car we spotted ice cream and decided we must get some.
What a fun morning with friends.

That evening we went back to put more work in on the shed.
My kiddos couldn't be more happy about this.  Friends and freedom to run around and get dirty.  They got the life!  And man they have skills at getting dirty.

Thursday morning Grandma Stanley came up and we headed out camping.  This is the third year we have ventured out with Grandma while Alex is away at camp.  This years destination Deception's Pass.
First a ferry ride to Seattle.
Then a stop at Golden Coral Buffet.
And we finally made it to Deceptions Pass.
 Got settled in our cabin.
 Made dinner and some cookie s'mores.
Then headed down to watch the sunset and stack rocks at the beach.

The next day we slept in a little woke up and made eggs and bacon over the fire.  McKay was my little helper.
Then headed back to the beach for a hike to a light house.
 Well the 3/4 mile turned into 3 and 3/4 miles, the light house was super tiny and you couldn't walk to it, McKay fell and hit her face on a rock, walking close to the edge where I was certain I would lose Stanley for good, but the view and low tide adventures made it so much fun.
 Lots of creatures to be found.
Touching all the sea anemones.

We headed back for nap time.  Put Stanley to bed.  McKay stayed with Grandma to do crafts while Clifton and I went kayaking.
Hands down his favorite part of the trip and possibly mine too.  He was too nervous to go out by the bridge because it was extra windy and wavy but we had fun.

Then we went to a different beach on the other side of the bridge.
 Great view.
 Nature made seesaw.
And rock collecting.  Can't complain about that day.

Headed back to camp to make dinner and treats again.
 The girl scout in me can still make a pretty good fire ;)
 Foil dinners!
Rolo stuffed marshmallows for dessert.
Shot rockets, played games, and told stories all night long till bed.

The next morning we cleaned up camp and headed to another beach.
 The tide was real low and they had marine biologist out showing us where to walk along the tide pools.
After exploring we headed home!
 Daddy got home about the same time as we did.  
What do they do when we only get an hour to see Dad before he heads out for the night?  Nap of course!

Sunday was sunday bakeday.
I had Iron Man and Cat Woman to help out.

Fun things from this week...
Working out with my kiddos.

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