
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Bubble Run

Updates on Clifton -
He got a special spotlight in our neighborhood magazine, he thought it was pretty awesome.
So did I.  I love our neighborhood!

Updates on McKay -
Just loves her cat. She takes any chance she gets to squeeze Treasure.  I am not sure if Treasure feels the same way towards her.  But she tolerates it, she's a good cat.

Updates on Stanley -
His stitches are healing very well.

Monday we got to work painting the shed.  The kids were super excited for painting day!
It may have taken more paint and extra time but it was worth it.  Primer done! Now to get all the white paint off of my kids :)

That night for FHE we went to a friends house who has been out of town for a while.  Mowed her lawn, watered and weeded her flower beds, and left welcome home notes for her.  Service is my favorite type of FHE.
Thye were so helpful and did so good so we got ice cream for dessert.

Tuesday we went on an adventure with friends.  Glass Beach!
 We spent the morning searching for sea glass.
 And just having fun together.
We were very happy with our findings.

Couple more mornings at the shed and we finally finished!

Thursday we had our friends play with us all day and had a blast.
We are pretty lucky in the friend department!  Great people and we all just love each other.

Friday I heard about a camp and we decided to check it out the last day.
Space camp.  they loved it.  Next year they want to go the whole week.

That night Alex and I got to sneak away.  His company had a movie night and paid for our tickets to see Dunkirk.  It was a great movie!
Since the movie was free we spoiled ourselves and got a slurpee on the way home.

Saturday was the Bubble Run.  We ran with our friends.  Alex stayed at home with Stanley so he could pack for his work trip to Maryland the next day.  He will be gone most of the next three weeks and needed to pack.

So much fun.  Clifton did awesome and ran the whole thing.  I had to carry McKay some of the way but she did pretty well too.

After cleaning up I headed out to my first PTA meeting as president.
Oh man is this going to be hard and I am feeling a little overwhelmed, but I got some great ladies on my side and it should be a great year.

Sunday morning Alex headed to Maryland for the week.
He got all the hugs he needed for the week.  We will sure miss him!

Fun things from this week...
 My new favorite shirt.
 Kids having reading time everyday and Treasure likes to lay next to them and read books too.
What we did with our sea glass findings.

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