
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Back to School

Updates on Clifton -
Sure is happy to be back at school.  That boy loves school.

Updates on McKay -
All the sudden has a hard time sleeping alone.  She cries every night when she has to go to bed.

Updates on Stanley -
Wants to play spoon hockey any chance he gets and when someone comes over he always talks them into playing spoon hockey.

Monday was Labor Day and Alex had a day off.  We enjoyed the day off by working in the house, playing soccer, going to Manchester beach, and BBQ with friends.
 Found a fish that quickly dead.

 So we gave it a proper burial.
Playing games while waiting for our dinner.
Finally taking the pink tile down.  I couldn't be more excited to throw it in the trash!!!

Tuesday we woke up with smoke and ash falling.  There is a wild fire close by and the winds have blown the smoke and ash our way.
It was the last day of summer so we decided to go play even with the smoke.  Splash pad for the last time this year.
 And we had the place pretty much to ourselves.
And feed some ducks after.

That night the smoke didn't clear up and we had to cancel soccer.  Which actually helped me out.  We had a back to school night at school that I had to be at.  Clifton and McKay were super excited to meet their teachers for the year.
We are pretty lucky that both kids got amazing teachers.  McKay's teacher might be the best teacher around (plus she's a huge Sounders fan) and Clifton has been waiting the last 2 years to have a class with one of his best friends.  He couldn't be more thrilled to have Dallin in his class.  It is going to be a great year!
The smokey moon on our drive home.  So sad that it's so smokey and so many wild fires but it does make for a beautiful moon.

Wednesday was Clifton's first day of second grade.
And just like that we are back into the school routine.  He sure is happy about it.

Thursday was a day I had nothing on my agenda so I told McKay it was her last day to go do what she wanted before school.  She requested ice cream and gymnastics play hour.  I ended up with 4 extra kids but we decided that wouldn't stop us from playing.
Sadly the gymnastic place was closed so we played at a park instead.  A fun day with friends and enjoying McKay before she heads to school.

Friday I had to get some goodies from Starbucks for a PTA event.  I decided to take McKay with me to get some more time with her before she is gone all day.  We enjoyed getting a little treat together.
And Starbucks is amazing for donating yummy treats to Sunnyslope Elementary.

That night Alex and I got to head to the Temple.
It's been too long and felt so good to be in the House of the Lord.  All the crazy, sad, hard things of the world I left at the door.  So thankful for Temple and a wonderful babysitter.

Saturday we got up and headed to church to take our turn cleaning it.
Stanley was pretty good at helping and not making a bigger mess.

Then McKay and I got away again and headed to our neighborhoods new homes open house.
Girls can dream right?  The houses we beautiful.  It sure made me want to get moving faster on updating our house.
And enjoying our free crepes.

Sunday bakeday we busted out the pumpkin.
Yay for this time of year!

Fun things from this week.
More of the smokey sun.  The sky kind of looked like it was on fire.
This time of year makes my heart so happy.  The way the sun hits the trees is beautiful.
 Treasure isn't a cuddly cat but when she cuddles its always on my face.
 Being creative.
 Cute friends!
 Stanley helping me get ready.
Sometimes you give in and let the kids ride the machine at the store.

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