
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Last Bake Sale of the Summer

Updates on Clifton -
Loves watching sports.  He always has but never enough to sit for a whole game of something.  But lately he will and all his ficus is on the game.

Updates on McKay -
Makes friends with any and everyone.  She makes immediate best friends everywhere she goes and I love that her love has no boundary.  I hope she always has this ability.

Updates on Stanley -
Had his 2 year check up.  I know he is almost three.  Oops!  But he is looking so good.  Finally adding some weight on and is getting taller.  And he did so well with the doctor.  Getting no shots helped!

This is the last full week of summer fun before school starts.  So we played hard! And played lots of soccer.  Monday we ventured to the skate park in town for the first time.
My kids loved it!  Me on the other hand.  It was fun but I was nervous there was going to be a collision and I may have gotten in a fight with a 9/10 year old boy.  Who thought he could tell me we need to leave, that we are in the way.  And proceeded to curse at me.  After getting rather angry with this boy I felt it was best I didn't yell at him so we packed up and left.  But if you ask my kids it was the best day!
They were all pretty brave.  We all hung out on the smallest ramp except Clifton who was feeling real brave.

That night we went to "Old McDonald's Farm" as Stanley calls it.  He always gets so excited when we pass by.  We decided it was time to get him a big boy bed so we got to visit the animals and get a big boy bed at the same time.  He was sure happy about it.
This boy cries when I tell him he isn't a baby anymore.  He just wants to be a baby, but I don't want to change diapers anymore.  He does not have any interest in using the toilet so we thought maybe if we gave him a taste of being a big boy he will want to.  I was nervous on how it would go, but he has been doing great.  However he still has no interest in going potty on the toilet.

Tuesday we went to the library lego activity.
And then went to a friends house for lunch and playing.

Wednesday was our down day.  We went to the store to get supplies to build our new bake sale stand. Any time we go to Gig Harbor we have to stop at the "animal store".

And then we spent the rest of the day painting.
Turned out pretty cute thanks to Pinterest.  

Thursday we had a meeting with a friend to go over a new calling I got for church.  I am now the Stake YW Sports Director.  I am very excited for this calling, but have lots to learn.

Friday we went to the mall for new hair cuts, got lunch and ice cream after and then played at the mall play area.
 Such cuties.
 Ice cream goatee.
I love playing with these crazies.
Stanley had his doctor appointment after playing all morning.
Batman is as healthy as a horse. 

Then we went home and baked the evening away.
Ready for the bake sale.  After talking with the kids on what we should do with the money we all decided to donate the money to Hurricane Harvey Relief.  One proud mom that they would be willing to donate money instead of using it for themselves.

Bake sale time!
McKay was so cute explaining what we were going to do with the money to everyone who came.  They earned 65$.  A great morning.  Thanks to wonderful neighbors and friends!

After the bake sale we played in the sun and water.
 Washing Daddy's and their cars.
 Sprinkler fun.
Bath time outside!

Sunday we didn't need anymore sweets but we baked dinner together.
Homemade Chicken Pot Pie.  YUMMMM!  Love that my girl wants to help me.  Sunday bakeday!

Other fun things from the week...
Sharing breakfast ;)

Spoon hockey.  Stanley's creation and we play it almost everyday.

Never get tired of seeing this.

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