
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Eclipse 2017

Updates on Clifton -
Is very helpful with Lil Saints.  If its watching Stanley for me or helping take down.  It makes me very happy that he has opportunities to help and that he does.

Updates on McKay -
Had Jump Start Kindergarten this week and loved every minute of it.  She made friends and loved the teachers.  She cried the last day and said she just can't wait for school to start.

Updates on Stanley -
Plays dead and it makes us all laugh.  He will come back to life with a kiss, usually only moms kiss :)

Monday was the solar eclipse!  Since it only happens so often we decided to have a party.
Now it was only partial from where we were but we will take out 93%.  It was fun to have friends over and watch and play.  

My brother and sister in law were in town from Arizona and they came to play too.  After the Eclipse party we had to run McKay to her Kindergarten Jump Start.  After we stopped by the Hobbit house and showed it off.
Then we headed to the zoo.
 Stanley and McKay both didn't love the birds, haha.
We had so much fun with Aunt Rebecca and Cousin Julia.  We are glad we got to play with them while they visited Washington.  Till next time!

Tuesday we headed over early to McKay's Kindergarten Jump Start to practice the school lunch routine.
This girl is so ready for school!

Wednesday was a cloudy morning, a perfect morning for donuts and hot coco with friends.
 Then we walked the Manette Bridge .
I love my sunny days in Washington but I also love my cloudy days!
Stanley kissing Vera's ouchy.

Then we dropped McKay off for her Kindergarten thing and Clifton stayed to play with the Morton's. Stanley and I headed over to the soccer field to paint the fields.
Got it done just in time to go get McKay!

That day Treasure had her first bath and nail trim.
Isn't she so pretty!  She smells good too.

Thursday was a day to stay home.  I had to run to the school to organize out PTA office but the kids stayed home with our friend Faith.  I found these awesome giant googly eyes and snatched them away before they got thrown out.
When I got home and showed the kids them, they spent the next hour or two creating together.  Love moments like those.

Friday was Alex's day off so we hit up the Kitsap County Fair.

We always have a blast at the fair!  It was dollar Friday so it was a little busier than we would have liked but we still had fun.

We were all surprised the giant slide scared our adventurous and always on the dangerous side Stanley.

That night we got all dressed up in our wedding attire to take pictures for our friends wedding photography portfolio.
Alex was a little embarrassed that we were going around all dolled up.  After the photo shoot I begged him to go get ice cream with me and not through the drive thru.  He reluctantly went along with the idea.  And of course we walked in to see a whole group of confused friends.  Such a fun and awesome date night!  Plus we got our ice cream for free!

Here are how the photos turned out.  So much fun and I love the pictures!
Thanks Ashleigh!

Saturday was a big day for me.  Lil Saints Soccer was having their Jamboree.
 Up bright and early to set up.  Beautiful morning!
 Team Red Raspberry Girls ready for the parade.
 Green Zombies ready.
The whole league for 2017!  I got to coach two games and ref three and just run around all day making sure things are going well.  And they did.  It was a great day!

Sunday after church we quickly changed into our Sounders attire and got ready for the Sounders verses Timbers game.  Got to love a good rival game.
 Seems like Snap Chat was cheering for Sounders too ;)
Green and blue cookies ready.  Sadly we tied but next time Portland we won't let that happen.  

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