
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Lil Saints Soccer

Updates on Clifton -
Is so excited that soccer has started.  It's my first year not coaching his team but our friend Denyal is coaching their team and he is very happy about it.

Updates on McKay -
Is super excited for school to start.  Ask everyday how many days till she goes to school.  Hopefully she enjoys it as much as she thinks she will.

Updates on Stanley -
I swear he grew up while we were on trek.  He is getting so big!  Now if I can get him to think he is getting big.  He asked me if he was my baby.  I said no your my big boy.  He started to cry :)  He said I want to be your baby!  Silly boy.

Monday was a Lil Saint day.  Randi and I spent all day painting fields. By all day I mean 6 1/2 hours! It was a good work out, we got about 18,000 steps in just that morning.
All my kids do a really good job at playing nicely while I do Lil Saints stuff.  However Stanley always is ridiculously dirty at the end :)
Fields are done and ready for the season to start.  That night a few of the teams started the season and it begins!

Tuesday my kids had their first practice.  This year I will not be coaching Clifton's team but will be coaching McKay's team.  We are the Red Raspberry Girls!  Not going to lie I love our name and those cute girls!
It's going to be another great season!

Wednesday we had a house full all day.
They did well playing so nicely together!

That night we went back to school shopping.
Yep its wasn't a pretty sight but we got everything we needed.

When we got home the kids really wanted to try on all their clothes.  So we thought it would be fun to do a fashion show.  Alex got the music playing and I laid the walk way.
The kids were so into it!  Great night.  I am thinking this will have to happen every year now!

Thursday was free bowling day.
We all took advantage of it!

That night was more soccer!

Friday we had some more friends come play.
My kids finally filled up their love at home jar and earned a pizza and movie night.  So we made cookies.  When we only have one blender you have to share :)
Then we scootered to the park.  And ended the night with pizza, cookies, and a movie!  We love our friends.

Saturday was the districts Back to School celebration.  Sunnyslope had a booth.  We walked the celebration and then I joined the booth to help out.
I cannot believe school is going to start so soon!  Here we go.

That night after I put my kiddos to bed and I went to dance the night away with my trek kiddos.
Such fun to see them again.  And these girls even let this old lady dance with them!  Fun night.

More fun from the week...
We made it in the neighborhood magazine again!

This is what happens when I try to sit down and work on the computer.

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