
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Trek 2017

Updates on Clifton, McKay and Stanley -
We were not with them most of the week so we don't have much to update on.  They all did get sick the day we left for trek.  Thank goodness my mom is a trooper and handled all the throw up while we were gone.  Thanks Mom!

Monday and Tuesday we spent the days running around packing for trek and nights were spent coaching coaches for soccer starting next week.  Alex took time off to help get prepared.  The kids didn't mind one bit that Daddy didn't go into work.
We just love when Daddy is home!

Wednesday morning came quick and we headed out early to meet our new family for the week.
 Getting dressed
 Ready!  The dresses were extra special to me this time.  The one I am wearing in this picture was my Grandma's nighty.  She made it way back in the day.  A friend helped me put elastic in so that it wouldn't fall off.  The other dress I brought was my moms back when she did the trek many years ago.  She made it as well.
Peterson family's first selfie.
Loaded on the busses ready to head out.
Best looking family around.
First day we only hiked 3 miles, but gave us plenty of time to get to know each other.
While preparing dinner we talked about one of Alex's ancestor who lost all of her teeth at a young age and lived to be 102.  She claims that eating anything she could get or was placed in front of her, kept her alive so long.  She got real good at eating with no teeth that she could eat a raw apple.  We gave out mouth guards and tried to eat a raw carrot "without teeth".
 That night we all learned some square dances and danced the night away.
And played games.

The next day was much more challenging.  We walked about 10-12 miles no one knows the exact amount.  Went up stream with the wagons and told we had to turn around.  Then up a really challenging trail.
 It was so crazy hot (in the 100's) that we had to make sure to get lots of water in us.  The food crew set up a game along the way for the kids.  Water chugging.  Which ever family could chug a galloon of water first won.  We got second.  Fun game.
 Dinner time was probably my favorite time.  We got blessed with great kids.  They wanted to stay together as a family and helped out without being asked.  It was a great time to talk and bond.
A classic photo.  We took this exact same photo on trek 4 years ago.  Let's see how many we can get ;)
The next day was another 8-10 mile trek.  Flat but man was it another crazy hot day!
 There was no river at this camp site so we had to make do.  It felt so good!
Every night we stayed up and played games as a family.  Lots of laughing and great memories.  The boys were sweet and pulled us to were our sleeping bags were this night.

The last day it was cool and rainy.  It was like we had a whole new group.  Everyone had so much more energy.  Matter of fact I think we ran most of the trek that day.  The rain felt so nice!  Another 8-10 miles.
Last family selfie.
My daughters and I.
Sinclair View Trekkers.
Packed up and ready to go. I decided I needed something out of our bin, reached my hand in and pulled it out on a knife - slicing my finger.  Doh!  It could have used glue and maybe stitches but I didn't want to go to the hospital so they said they could tape it up and wear a splint so I didn't reopen it.  I'll take that over a hospital visit any day!

The Trek was another great experience full of memories we get to hold onto forever.  We meet some amazing youth and hope to keep in contact with them as they grow.  We love being able to go on trek!  I went as a youth and loved it but being a ma and pa is even better.  We have some amazing youth in our stake who are going to grow and do amazing things to make this world a better place.  I feel blessed to be able to get to know them and to watch them grow.

We got home late Saturday night and I got to see myself for the first time in 4 days.  Yep it was as bad as I thought!
So ready for a shower!
We were so happy to see our kiddos.  A huge thank you to my Mom and Alex's mom for helping out so we could go.

Sunday bakeday
Whole wheat zucchini muffins for the win!  Yummy.

More fun from the week... Alex will appreciate I added this.
Alex has been letting his hair and beard grow out for the trek.  :)

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