
Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Updates on Clifton -
Can finally tie his shoe, now he tends to not tie them but at least he can!

Updates on McKay -
Proud of her.  Someone did something to her that very much would normally have lead to a huge melt down and by all means was not nice.  She cried a little but got over it and said it was ok, instead of getting angry.  I am loving this change!

Updates on Stanley -
Still keeping us on our toes, running around like a crazy boy but always happy (well as long as he is running around).

Monday for FHE we talked about table manners since we will have a few holiday meals together with  family we thought it would be fitting.
Let's hope it sticks.

Tuesday Stanley and I helped in Clifton's classroom making clay ornaments.
I was worried Stanley would be bored or get into trouble but he enjoyed playing with the clay.

Afterwards Stanley had a cute Thanksgiving party with friends.
Love our friends and cute get togethers.

That night we had dinner with our friends the Gines.
One last get together before they move.  We will miss them!

Wednesday I had some cute PTA helper help gather food for Adopt A Family.
The students loved them and called them little elves.  These boys know how to make anything fun.

That night Alex and I got to sneak away with friends to watch Justice League
At the new IMAX.  Now how do I watch a movie not at the IMAX, it was awesome!

Thanksgiving morning run with Clifton.
I feel like I have said no to him a lot lately so when he asked to go on my morning run with me I decided to say yes.  Now it was slower than normal but I was very glad he came with me.  He ran the whole three miles!  About 9:30 a mile.  Proud of him!  And now I need to do a 5k with him!

After we made some cookies for our feast later.
Silly kids!

Thanksgiving with the Peterson klan.
Dinner time!
Cookie decorating.  They turned out pretty cute!

Friday we woke up and the Christmas spirit took over.  We turned on some Christmas music and spent the morning decorating.
Even Treasure got in the Christmas spirit.

Then we headed to Portland for Thanksgiving with the Stanley's.  Alex had some hotel points he could use so we decide to get a hotel instead of making it a day trip.
 Swimming time!  Stanley is our little dare devil.  And quite silly!
 Bed time.
Everyone loves a yummy meal that they don't have top prepare or clean up!

Saturday was the Stanley Thanksgiving.
It may be a little crazier than a normal Thanksgivings, some may say like a circus ;)  A good trip to Portland.

I am pretty lucky to have this guy.  He did a lot of things he doesn't enjoy this weekend just to make me happy.
Like staying at a hotel, swimming, traveling, oh and taking pictures :)

Sunday after church we celebrated our Treasure.  She turned 1!
We sure love her even if she might just tolerate us.

Fun pictures from this week...
Got all bundled up to.... eat dinner.
Silly kids!

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