
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Updates on Clifton -
Had a dentist appointment and his teeth are looking great!

Updates on McKay -
Had a great week at school!  No problems at all and there was even points where she normally would break down and cry but chose to move on.  Happy happy day!

Updates on Stanley -
Is in time out a lot, well when his siblings are at home.  When they are gone he is great.  But when they are home he spends a lot of time in time out :( Hoping we move past this phase quick.

Monday for FHE we made our annual Gratitude Tree.
Tree seems fuller than ever, lots to be thankful for.

Late start art.

Stanley and I spent the whole day at school, but we had a blast!
Helping get the boxes together for Adopt A Family and Stanley was very helpful!
Got to have lunch with Clifton and McKay.
Then we helped out on the game truck.  The kids that sold a certain amount of items for the school fundraiser got to come play on it.
We had a blast!

Thursday we spent a good chunk of the day at school as well, handing out fundraiser stuff.
They had indoor recess and Stanley enjoyed playing with the big kids.  He sure seems to like this PTA gig.

Friday there was no school.  So we got together with some friends and played soccer.
 Then I took these cuties out to lunch.
We missed Ameliadee's birthday party so we took her to play with us for the day.  We sure love her!  McKay is lucky to have her as a great friend.

That night Alex and I went on a dinner date with the Gines.
And attended a very special church meeting for young parents.

Saturdays was Veteran's Day.  The kids and I headed to the Veteran's Cemetery to put flags up.
Love this tradition!

Then we had friends over to play.
And have dinner.  Love this group of kiddos, they play so well together. 

Sunday Alex headed to Georgia for work.
We had a great day at church and spent most the day cuddling.  
And made some chocolate turkeys.
They turned out looking a little funkier than the inspiration but we had so much fun and they were quite yummy!
 This was out best one.
And this one, well it has problems.

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