
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Christmas and New Years Eve

Updates on Clifton -
Lost one of his front teeth (Stanley may have assisted in that by hitting him) and looks a little hillbilly.  Especially cause the other one is lose and hangs crocked.

Updates on McKay -
She is 6!!!! Big birthday girl had a great Christmas birthday.

Updates on Stanley -
Potty training is going great.  We still need to help him remember but he's got it!

Monday was Christmas we woke up to a WHITE Christmas!  So magical.
We opened presents.
They all were very happy about their presents.
We ate our yummy cinnamon rolls McKay made and took a little to celebrate her on her Merry Birthday.
Then we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's house.
Played in the snow with cousins.

Then waited on the stairs to open more presents.
We had a great day eating and playing games with family.

Thursday Grandma Stanley came up to visit.
First thing we did was go bowling while Alex stayed at home and took care of the water heater.
Merry Christmas to us, we needed to replace our leaking water heater.

Friday was a very rainy day so we headed to the Tacoma Children's Museum (like everyone else in Washington did)
Although it was super crowded we had lots of fun with Grandma.

Then we headed to dental appointments.
Everyone's teeth look great!
That night we took it easy ordered pizza and watched a movie with friends.

Saturday Grandma had to head back home.  So we had one last outing together.  The weather was beautiful so outside we went.
 Driving range fun...
And a very wet hike.  We had to eventually turn around because the trail was flooded, but it was fun to get outside.

That night Alex and I headed out to the Youth New Years Eve dance.  It was a day early this year because New Year Eve fell on Sunday.
This years theme was though the decades.  We choose to dress up 70's style.  Well the youth, most choose to dress up as this decade :)  As always its fun being around the youth and feeling young again.
It was real great to see my trek girls again and that they let this old lady dance with them.
The kiddos wanted to try out the 70's look too.  Silly kids!

The next day was New Years Eve we had a great morning at church and then McKay and I started baking.
Trying out my Christmas present - a Kitchen Aide.

After dinner we spent the night playing minute to win it games.  I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out because they all are still pretty young, but it was a blast and I am pretty sure we just made a new tradition.
Stanley even got into each game!  

Then we counted down the new year with New Orlean's at 10pm.
Then we all hit the hay.  Yep we are party animals!  Bring on 2018.

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