
Monday, January 1, 2018

BIG Announcement

Update on Clifton -
Doing great at basketball and having a blast!

Updates on McKay -
Has been so helpful at home, asking to help wash the dishes, clean the windows, sweep the floor.  I love it!

Updates on Stanley -
Officially started potty training and it has been going well.  We found the trick, suckers or wrapping up cheap toys for an award.

Monday and Tuesday were busy days at school.  Helping wrap up the Adopt-A-Family food and gift baskets with wonderful ladies.
Still my favorite thing I have done for PTA.  It is very touching to see how much people are willing to donate and help out for others in our community.
And putting together teacher gifts from the PTA.

Then we headed over to carol with friends (while Clifton and Alex headed to Clifton's basketball game).

Then that night I had a soccer game and did something I never thought I would...
I played goalie for the second half of the game!

Tuesday we caught the garbage man and haded him some goodies and thank you notes.  
Clifton is the best and braved the rain to get him his goodies.

At school McKay got to be star of the day and celebrate her birthday in class.
She loved the extra attention. And her teacher spoiled her with her cute Christmas outfit which she has worn at least three times this week :)

Wednesday was half day at school.  Stanley and I went to the holiday assembly at school and then left it up to Clifton and McKay if the wanted to stay the rest of the day or help me hand food out from the food bank.  McKay wanted to go with me and Clifton wanted to stay at school.
I was glad to have cute extra hands to help.  Always a great time!  The smiles, hugs, and happiness it brings fills up my love bucket.

Then that night we had a big announcement for the kids.  We had a few presents they got to open!  I couldn't wait any longer to tell them, plus my belly has already poked so its only time before they notice.
Team Peterson is expecting #4 in late July.  

McKay is certain its a girl so she "FINALLY has someone to play with."  

The rest of the week we spent at home potty training. 
 He's getting it down!
We don't often spend days at home but it has been nice to just play.

Thursday night we went out to get a treat and paid for the people behind us.
Yum ice cream!

Friday McKay and I snuck out for a girls date for her birthday present.
 We got pedicures together and she got her nails done as well.
Then lunch at Seabeck's Pizza.  What a fun date!  I say we make this a yearly tradition.

That night we made the fire station dinner and we got a special tour.
This fire station is extra special to me because they are the ones that came to Stanley's rescue and rush him to the hospital when he was struggling to breathe. 

Saturday the older kids and I went to visit a friend we haven't seen in a while just to say hi.
The rest of the day we spent at home.

Sunday was Christmas eve we got in our Sunday matching best!
I was so excited to find matching dresses with McKay!  And the boys looking sharp in their matching ties.  

After church McKay and I spent the day baking.  Cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning and Chickn pot pie for dinner that night.

Then it started to snow!
Bring on a white Christmas.

Once it got dark the kids got to open their Christmas jammies and a new movie.
We got in our jammies and cuddled while we watched their new movie.  A great week indeed!

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