
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Is getting real good at basketball.  He gets where he should be and getting better at shots and passing. Super proud of him.

Updates on McKay -
Got a hair cut and we love it.  No more crying when I comb it and it matches her sassy personality.

Updates on Stanley -
This boy gets out of lot of trouble with his silly charm!

This week was full of the normal stuff, school, PTA, basketball, and playing together as a family.
We enjoy playing dice and now play it almost every night.  McKay was over the moon when she won her first game of Farkle.

Stanley was being so quite downstairs while I was working on the bathroom...
I should have known it was too good to be true!  I asked him why he did it and he said "It made me happy."  Oh that boy!

However I got stuff done that day so I wasn't too mad.
Finally all the wall paper is down in our house!  I had to sand the remaining wallpaper that was being stubborn.  

Wednesday Clifton started late start dance at school so after he left for that we got up and danced the morning away too.
I had a couple extra kids but we all had a blast dancing.

Thursday nights have been taken over by volleyball.
I sure love the youth and the fun they have playing together and just enjoying time together.

Friday was another full but fun day at Sunnyslope.  Got popcorn ready, helped in Clifton's classroom with an art project, and movie night.
Glad to have tons of support form the school community!

Saturday was a relaxing day.  We went to our friends baptism and then enjoyed the day playing together.
 Nerf gun wars are always fun, well until Alex shot me in the eye ;)
Then we ended the day with frozen yogurt.  We told Stanley is we can go teh whole week without an accident we could get ice cream Saturday.  So proud of this big boy and he was quite pleased with himself and the treat he earned too.

McKay noticed tis week that I was showing and like to point it out all the time.
At least now it looks like baby bump and not as much getting fat bump!

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