
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Making more and more sports books.  The ones he did this week were Football QB stats and World Cup winners since the start.  That boy cannot get enough of sports!

Updates on McKay -
She often offers to rub my feet because she knows they hurt.  I love her tender heart.

Updates on Stanley -
Accomplished his goal of pulling up his pants after going potty!  Happy day, it's the little things that make you excited in parenthood.

Monday was a HOT day here so we decided to keep cool at the Bremerton Fountains with friends.
Such a fun day in the sun.

Tuesday was Pioneer Day.  We made Johnny Cakes and homemade butter for dinner.  Alex told stories about his ancestors that were pioneers.
Then of course played stick pull.
And ended the evening with a walk.  I loved today, traditions!

Wednesday we enjoyed the library show with friends.
 Then our daily walk included slurpees and walking the docks in Port Orchard.
Amazing how much faster they walk when slurpees are involved ;)

Thursday we went and walked/biked Cushman Trail.
 Then stopped by the Boat Park (I am not sure of its real name that's just what we call it).

We were super hot after playing in the sun so we went home to cool off in the water.
And waited for Dads arrival home to attack!

Alex had Friday off so he went to work on our backyard.  Still working very hard on fixing our yard up.
Who needs a stump grinder when you have an Alex.  He was quite proud of himself.

Saturday we celebrated Pioneer Day with our church.
Playing fun games and eating yummy treats.

Hoping this is my last Sunday pregnant so I figured I would document it.
So ready to be done! 40 weeks on Monday.

Because my due date is the next week my mom came up Sunday after church.
And she joined us in our daily walk.  We are all so happy to have Grandma S here!

Grandma brought her gift for Alex's birthday (early since she is here).
More robots for Battlebots.  We had a fun evening playing with them.

More fun from the week...
We love catching frogs especially these tiny ones.  Frog nose!
We also never tire seeing/feeding deer in our yard especially baby deer!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Was nominated Floss King at camp!  Yep he is a pretty good flosser and isn't afraid to show it off.  He makes me laugh.

Updates on McKay -
Had a dentist appointment and her teeth are looking clean and good.  Has two teeth growing in from behind her baby teeth on the bottom, but the dentist isn't nervous because her spacing is great and it should just fill in as soon as she loses those teeth.  However she has my over bite.

Updates on Stanley -
Cried everyday I picked him up for camp, not when I dropped him off.  I guess he was having too much fun to come home with me.  I am so glad he had a blast but I was a little sad he wasn't ready to come home with me when I got there.

Monday was a big day! I signed all the kids up for Dinosaur Camp this year.  They have been counting down the days.
It felt weird dropping all of them off but they all were so ready to have some fun.
I also didn't mind being able to spoil myself and little and have some girl time.

Cooling off in the sprinkler under the trampoline.
Loving this summer weather.

They loved going to camp everyday and I loved them doing fun things and getting their energy out without wearing myself out.  Great timing for sure.
Tuesday was cub scouts we learned about ways we can conserve water and then helped our leader water her grass ;). Fun day!  They slept so well that night.

Wednesday the kids played in our friends pool while we put together coaches bags and folders for this years soccer season.
My kids need to be in the water more.  They all make me nervous especially Stanley!  We need to sign them up for some swim lessons.  Another fun day with a great nights sleep.

Friday was the last day of camp and they sure enjoyed it.
They are already talking about next year.  I am so glad I signed them up and with friends!  They had such a great week which is great for them since I am running out of energy and patience.

Celebrating the last day with ice cream and park play date after.
Silly bunch.

Since they had camp in the morning all week we have been enjoying evening walks together.
 Even getting Alex to join us which makes it even more fun.
 The kids favorite walk is the one to the park.  We seem to enjoy playing at the park too.
We even got friends to join us in one of our walks.
We reached 50 miles this week!  And I couldn't be more proud.  This has been a fun challenge and we are on our way to reaching our goal.

This week sure wiped my kids out and I loved it.
Stanley has never played so hard in his life :)

Saturday morning we really didn't have plans until a friend invited me over for a little brunch.  Little did I know it was to celebrate baby coming soon.
I was so surprised and overwhelmed by the love and support of my friends around me.  I seriously am not sure how I got so blessed with amazing friends in my life but I am insanely grateful for them. A wonderful morning with some of the best women I know.

Other fun from this week...
When you have a friend who is always up to date with the cool things going on in the world she pushes you to do those things.  We had a blast being silly and giving the Keke challenge a try.  I am pretty sure my kids out danced me and I am pretty happy about that.  Although I am very ready to have my body back and hopefully bust some real moves again.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
He is obsessed with sports.  With his free time he makes sports books.  We had to explain that its 1 v 1 not be, haha.  Each page has a player versus player and who would win.  That kid could name players I don't even know.  He has now moved onto NBA 1v1 book.  It is cute to see his excitement towards sports.

Updates on McKay -
Loves to help clean.  She is such a great helper.  I hope this isn't a phase ;)

Updates on Stanley -
He has back tracked this week.  He had three accidents this week!  He has been completely potty trained for a while now.  I have heard kids do this when having a new baby coming or when it comes but my other two didn't do this.  Hopefully it was just a fluke and we are done with accidents.

Monday we started out the week with a fun hike.
Big tree trail.  The kids did great hiking it until Stanley got stung by a bee twice.  Poor kid!  Luckily I had just bought Incredibles 2 bandaids and that helped make everything better.

That night we had a BBQ with friends in the unexpected rain, but we still had fun playing.

Another fun play group Tuesday.

And then we had did cub scouts in the afternoon.
 Learning about boat safety!
Making and racing boats.  Terri is such an awesome leader.  We are lucky to have her and for her to help me out in my cub scouts calling.

Wednesday we enjoyed a magic show down by the library.  Then headed to get our free slurpee's.
Ya for 7/11 day!

We finished reading Peter Pan this week and to celebrate we made crafts and watched the movie.
This was the first time my kids have seen the movie and really enjoyed it.

Thursday we got to go to our friends Navy Retirement celebration.
We will miss these guys a lot but so happy for the new adventures that are to come.  Hopefully our paths will cross again.

Enjoying a hot summer night.
Love these crazies!

Friday we headed out to play frisbee golf and count that as our hike.
It was such a beautiful course.  Clifton and McKay were really into it.  Stanley enjoyed it for the first couple holes but the course was a little too hard for him.
So he kept entertained by fetching my frisbee like a dog.  Silly kid, but it was nice to not have to bend over :). We ended up skipping over half of the holes but still had fun and walked 2 1/2 miles doing it.

Alex has been working so hard on the yard the last few weeks.  I hate being useless but sure have appreciated him more watching him work so hard.
 Before... and this is when we bought it.  We had let it grow even more.
After.  Looks great!  Let's more sunshine in.

While Alex worked in the yard all weekend, we played.
Visited a preschool open house and joined in on their festivities.

Then we headed to the summer splash primary activity.
Fun afternoon with friends.

Then that night we went to our neighborhoods Bat walk/hike.
Learning lots about bats.
Then we all hiked out to spot some bats.  It was a much later night than I had expected and a longer walk than anticipated but we had a blast.

Sunday we were picking games to play and the kids begged to play Twister.  So I gave it a go ;)
38 weeks and I still got it, well kind of.  Now if it would have put me into labor!

Other fun from the week...
We got a couple cute dress up items at a garage sale and the kids were playing so well.  So I decided to make a little dress up area and pulled out old costumes.  They have been loving it and so have I!

We have been playing fun games on our daily walks/hikes.  Stanley wants to join in but doesn't seem to quite get it, but we love it!
He sure keeps us laughing.