
Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Updates on Clifton -
He got 2nd place in his class spelling bee is he is moving on to the school spelling bee and is very excited about it.  We have been practicing words a lot.  Some of the words have us laughing... only in the South.

Updates on McKay -
Loving her school and making new friends like a champ.

Updates on Stanley -
Started preschool! And loves it.  Its a tad bit longer here from 9-2 3 days a week but is doing great with the longer hours.  His teachers name is Mrs. Kenna!
I sure do love my bug hugs and cuddles after preschool.

Updates on Hazen -
Thinks he is too old for a high chair and loves to sit in big boy chairs.  And this boy always wants to be eating!

Spent the week continuing to unpack and get the house situated.
 My blue barstools came!
 Fall decor is up.  I lost a box of decorations so I had get some to have something.  Ill need more for next year.
Finally the last box is unpacked!  Now to organize the garage.

Poor Clifton got the tummy bug this week and spent a couple days in bed.
He was sad to miss school and anxious to get back.  Glad it was a pretty quick bug.

Now that the kids are all situated I got myself set up.  Found a gym for 10$ a month and that includes childcare.  The classes are good and its close to out house.  Win all around!
 And I joined a women's soccer league!
And been asked by multiple to join their coed team.  I guess finding girls who want to play is harder to do in Texas.

Friday we headed out to really celebrate my birthday.  Drove to Austin for the night and heading to Seaworld in the morning.
Just some swans in the hotel.
 Finally getting some swim time in.
The kids thought it was crazy that we were in Austin just like their fiends name.  Stanley kept insisting Austin had to be there.  We didn't have much time to explore Austin so I am sure we will be back.

I had the best memories as a kid going to Seaworld and watching my kids enjoy it just like I remember enjoying it, was magical.  Such a perfect day!
The Seal show was a favorite.

But the Orca show was my favorite.  It was all fun and games till we got wet.  The kids all new good and well that we were sitting in the splash zone and actually asked to sit closer.  So yes I am laughing at McKay cause she knew it was coming.  But we all were surprised by the amount of water that reached us.

Sunday the Sounders played in the MLS Finals.
We made sure we were ready for the game.

Yay what a game!

Other things from the week...
The little things that make me happy.  Texas apples suck!

Ice cube hokey was invented.

A sweet gift from a dear friend!

Flowers from my hubby.

Our cat the dare devil!  I had to rescue her once while hanging from the stairs yet she still does it.

I have been surprised by the weather here.  They have had a couple days where it drizzled all day long.  I didn't think it did that here!

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