
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Monday we loaded up the car and headed to Alex's parents.  Washington here we come!
Hazen's such a good traveling baby!  Messy but very cute.  This is my favorite face he makes.

We spent a couple days with Alex's parents and couple of his siblings families.  A very crowded but so much fun visit. 
Love this!

We spent one day at the Olympia Children's museum with cousins.  It was very full but the kids had a blast.

 We celebrated New Years Eve together with his family and had a blast playing games all night.
 Another year with this guy!
 It was such a great and easy night.  Lots of food and fun.  We were having so much fun and the kids were doing so well that we let Clifton and McKay stay up till midnight for the first time.

The next day was a big day!  McKay's baptism.
 We are so excited and happy for her.  She is such a sweet girl who is very in touch with the spirit.
The baptism room was full of so many loved ones that it made the day even more special.  It felt so good to be surrounded by our loved ones again.
 After the baptism everyone stayed around to eat and play games.  Man do I miss these people so much.
We stayed with the Whites for a couple days and felt like family.

We sure love them!
Thursday morning Randi put together flag football!
I just love these people, always up to have fun and get dirty.  glad we could squeeze in football!

That night we handed the kids out to friends and we headed to the temple to be with our niece who was taking out her endowments.
A wonderful night with the Peterson clan.

Friday we got to squeeze in soccer while the kids played at the church.  It was so fun to be back with all the people I love and sweet.
We brought cupcakes cause it was Stanley's birthday and he had a great day playing with his friends.
5 years old!

We spent more time with the White's before we needed to head to Seattle.  We went to see Frozen again and loved it even more.
 Then explored their beautiful property.
 We cannot thank them enough for letting us stay with them and making us feel like family.

That night we headed to Pullalyp for a wedding dinner.
The beautiful bride to be!

Saturday was the big day and the main reason we came.
Such a cute couple and a beautiful bride.

Such a fun day celebrating.  The wedding was beautiful and the reception was fun.  So glad we were able to come back to be here for it.

Ended the day with the best part about a hotel, swimming!
Love these crazies and they have seemed to have had a blast on this trip.

Sunday we headed to the airport, got through security and about to load when the flight was delayed a few hours.  We weren't happy but headed over to the play area to let the kids wiggle.  An hour or so later our flight got delayed till 9:30 pm!  After hours of trying to figure out what we can do cause 9:30-3:17 am is just not going to work.  The airlines finally got us a hotel room and food vouchers.
 It has been an insanely long day but we are trying to make the most of it.  We let the kids pick whatever they wanted with the food vouchers.  Pizza, Gatorade, and candy for the win.
The kids were pretty happy yo be spending another night in Washington.  Except maybe Stanley he has a horrible cough that started Thursday and has escalated to coughing fits that leads to throwing up.  He was very week and hasn't eaten much the whole day.  We were happy the airlines were taking good care of us but were anxious to get Stanley home and to the doctors.  I was afraid it was his asthma (and I didn't bring his inhaler cause he hasn't had issues in a ling time) or bad virus.
Randi found out we were stuck her another day and got a group of ladies together to come visit us at the hotel.  We stayed up and played games and chatted.  Man I have the best of friends!

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