
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Updates on Clifton -
This boy is sure a hard worker!  We are so very proud of all the work and effort he puts into school.

Updates on McKay -
Finally lets me do her hair and she loves twinning hair styles with me.  And trying new lipstick.  She is so fun.

Updates on Stanley -
As soon as we could we got Stanley into the doctors.  He did not have a virus but something maybe he had a little virus before but something irritated his asthma and its back with force. Poor guy is on steroids and his inhaler till we can get his fits under control.  It has gotten better but still relying on his inhaler to get the fits at bay.  We haven't had an issue in sooooo long that I thought it was something he out grown.  So sad that it's back.  Now to always travel with his inhaler!

Updates on Hazen -
He is such a joy.  He doesn't talk much but finds ways to get his point across.  My favorite it when he will come grab my hand and lead me to what he wants.  The few words he speaks are mom, dad, uh oh, hi, bye, car, cracker which means food, and says gaga which means water.

Monday back at the airport again.  Heading back to Texas take two.  And you won't believe it... another flight delay till 6pm.  This time Alex jumped in the front of the line to try and find another flight to catch as soon as possible.  We were supposed to leave at 12 but the next flight we got on was planning to leave at 3.  Glad we could get on another flight.
 But it made for another insanely long day at the airport.
 Finally on a plane home!  Then it got delayed an hour as we had to just sit on the plane and wait.
But it finally got on its way and the kids did so dang well especially the circumstances.  We made it home little after midnight Tuesday morning.  That was insanely long trip home!  Probably could have drove that in the same time.  The airlines has offered us flight vouchers to make up for that crazy experience.

After catching up on sleep we headed to the store to shop with the Christmas money Grandma and Grandpa Peterson gave the kids.
Such a great time, like Christmas all over again.  They played all day with their new toys.

We spent the rest of the week trying to catch up on sleep and trying to get Stanley's asthma under control.

By the weekend we were about caught up on sleep and Stanley's asthma was much better.
We are happy to be in warm Texas (it was freezing in Washington) and thrilled to have a 70 degree, ice cream truck chasing day!
Almost makes up for all the possibility of snow Washington is getting.

Friday night date night!
Trying out axe throwing!
It took me almost the whole time to get a hang of it, but Alex rocked it from the get go.

That day a storm was expected to come through.  And of course it didn't hit till we were on our date.  The thunder was so dang loud it shook the house!  There was a tornado warning but that passed thankfully and the wind wasn't as bad as expected.  The next morning it went from 70 degrees and stormy to snowing!
Say what!?!

And we heard that if we went a little North (just 20 minutes) they got more snow.  And they were right!  Unfortunately we didn't discover it till it was nap time so just the older kids and I went.
Seriously the best day!  And just like that it's melted and in the 70's again.

That afternoon we planned to go to Urban Air for Stanley's birthday celebration.

Lots of fun!  They had skydiving too but all our kids chickened out.

Sunday bakeday!  Using our wonderful gift from Justin and Mechelle to make Emoji Oreo Pops.

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