
Saturday, March 21, 2020

A lot has happened and I have fallen behind so I want right the little things that have changed with the kids.

This week Alex headed out of town again.  So we stayed busy with the usually stuff.
Except I decided we needed a trampoline again.  And for some reason thought it was a good idea to do while Alex was gone.  It took me forever but the kids were super helpful and SO happy to have one again.
Pretty proud of myself for putting it together.
Even when it rained that week they still got out there.  We are definitely not Texas folk.
There usually is no signs of life when it rains haha.

Tuesday night the kids had open house at their school.  We got to go in and see things they are doing in class and go to the book fair.
The kids made cute posters for the book fair.
The kids school has been my favorite part of this move.  Making it more than worth it.  This month they have been talking a lot about how to be kind.  And not only did they talk about it but I heard many stories of the staffs, teachers and kids doing acts of kindness.  My favorite was that Friday they asked any parents that could come at the end of school to make tunnels outside the door for the kids to run through and get high fives. The goal was to give a high five to every student at the school.  Such a simple thing but I got to help out and all the smiles and joy it brought was awesome.

It is now tradition go out to eat one night while dad is away on a business trip.  We are surrounded by so many different restaurants so might as well try them out.  This time we went to BJ's and ordered Pizookies after.
The kids approved.

Last week Stanley made a wish and asked Jesus to get him his Bakugan toy back.  I posted it and my dear friend, Trissa ordered one for him.
She just made his whole day.  What a sweet sweet thing for her to do.  He was so happy!

Trying to keep fit with these crazies is a whole other workout.

Stanley cuteness...
 Class pictures.
 Baseball uniform.  Such a stud!  His ears flopping over is so cute.

At the book fair we got this book and have been so excited to give some recipes a try.
We did pretty good and it tasted yummy!

Last thing from the week...
Hazen loves the Roomba and often turns it on and follows it around.  But this time I came out front the bathroom to find him riding it.  Silly boy!

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