
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Spring Break

Updates on Clifton -
Excited to finally plan his birthday party.  He wants to keep it simple and play soccer with some friends from school.  I like simple.

Updates on McKay -
Lost another tooth.  She had been waiting for that thing to fall out the whole week.

Updates on Stanley -
Is so jealous of Hazen.  I thought he'd get past that by now but he still continually fights with Hazen over Alex and I.  I feel bad that he can't have more attention but will need to find ways to get more one on one time with him.

Updates on Hazen -
Oh my gosh is he growing up fast.  He has such a strong personality.  Daring, determined to get what he wants even if he can't say it to you, loves his mom and hates when I leave, loves to be right next to me or Alex at all times, and is such a joy.  He is getting more words everyday but still pretty limited on his speech, but he makes up for it by making you understand by pointing and/or pushing/pulling you to what he wants.
Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time, let him stay little and hold him like this forever.

Spring break fir the kids!  Monday of course started off rainy so we headed to Dallas to check out the science museum, The Perot.
It did not disappoint!  We had so much fun and played for hours.

Tuesday the sun can out!  We headed to Dream Park with a few friends from church.  Then after decided to try Steel Pops to cool off.
Yummy!  We decided we think instead of bake sales this summer we might try to do popsicles.

Wednesday got hot so we headed out before it got too warm and played putt putt.
 Hazen was interested for a couple minutes then after that he throughly enjoyed running away and making me chase him.
Then we needed to cool off.  Water fun!

Thursday Alex took off and we headed down to Galveston.  First stop was Moody Gardens and we decided to explore the aquarium.
 It was a lot of fun but NOT worth the money.  We had more fun outside the aquarium walking around seeing what we could see and trying to catch lizards.
 Then we got to the condo and after dinner went for a swim.
Boy do I need to get them in swim lessons.  We will be swimming a lot more now that we are in Texas.
The next day we rode the ferry over to the next island.  I LOVED it, I miss the Seattle ferry rides.  We feed birds and spotted dolphins.
I seriously could have cried when I spotted the dolphins.  SO happy to see them!
Then we spent the rest of the day at the beach.  I was worried it wasn't going to be quite warm enough but it was perfect.
We were all in heaven!
Our last day enjoying the view from our balcony and sad to leave.
 Each kid was sure we could live like this everyday and no need to go back yet.
We said our goodbyes to the beach and headed back home.

It was a wonderful trip but worry started to take over the trip at the end.  While we were there everything started canceling and shutting down.  Covid 19 (Corona virus) has hit America and we don't know how to prevent or help get over the virus.  It has use scared of the unknown.  The schools are now canceled for at least another 2 weeks, sports cancels, and church needed to be done at home.  Everyone seemed to be going crazy too, store were hit hard.  We decided there were a few things we needed just incase and made a trip.  Shelves were empty.  Luckily they still had some children medicine, diapers, and other important things I hadn't thought about having extra of.  So we feel pretty prepared if things get even worse.  Time to step up my game, homeschool and keep us entertained without adventures.  We are officially quarantined.

Sunday was our first experience of church at home.  I feel very blessed to have a wonderful husband who could bless and give the sacrament in our home.  We tried to make the best of it and got the kids involved.  McKay and Stanley quickly volunteered to give a talk. Clifton got working on the trays for the bread and water. And they all thought of the idea of making a podium.
 We made sure to get all dressed up like we were going to church.
Daddy conducted.
 McKay and Stanley gave wonderful talks.
McKay did her talk all by herself and I just love it.  My favorite part is the notes she left herself at the bottom.  She is the best!
All the kids took turns leading the music.  It was possibly my favorite meeting.  The spirit was strong and I was so happy the kids choose to be happy in this scenario instead of being grouchy or scared or anything else.  Let's hope this attitude continues.

Sunday bakeday.  Cream filled air fried donuts.  With green frosting for the St. Patricks day.
They turned out so good.  I think we are getting pretty good at this.

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