
Monday, March 22, 2021

Updates on Clifton - 
We were told he got to go to the state spelling bee so he has been studying but we found out this week he doesn't get to go.  He was pretty said about it, but we are still so dang proud of him!

Updates on McKay -
She is still baking away.
She can be the sweetest girl sometimes.  Things like these remind me that I am doing ok at this parenting thing ;). She has been working hard on extra chores tp earn money to buy Clifton a present for his birthday. 

Updates on Stanley -
It has been a really rough year trying to get things figured out for Stanley.  Lots of fails, crying, yelling, frustration, medication and really not gotten any where.  BUT he has found a love for baseball.  I was really hesitant to sign him up because baseball is not a fast pace game.  He is showing me that he loves it.  Paying attention, partaking, and trying.  It makes my mommy heart happy to see he has found something he wants to put energy into.  Here's hoping that it continues.

Updates on Hazen - 
He's a mommy boy through and through. Always with me, jumping on me when I am working out, always wants me to out him to bed, change his diaper, fill up his sippy, everything has to be mom.  Its exhausting but I sure do enjoy being loved by him.  He is my little buddy!

More great weather so we got our body chalk/paint out which means water fun too.

Monday night we had a paint nite.  The older kids asked to do it again.
They turned out pretty good too.

For YM/YW the week the YM out on glow in the dark kickball.  It was a hit, lots of fun.  

Play date with friends!

Then we had no games on Saturday so we got to go cheer our friends on at their soccer game.  And of course play after the game.

Lots of baking for Sunday bakeday!  It was 3/14 Pi Day so I made chicken pot pie and the kids helped cut the numbers out of the crust.

Then the kids helped make and decorate Shamrock cookies.
I think they turned out great especially cause I thought I had a shamrock cookie cuter but didn't so we made it work using a small heart cookie cutter and a knife.  Not too shabby!

Clifton and his friend trying the challenge.  Clifton fell on his face, haha!

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