
Tuesday, November 29, 2022


The last couple weeks the young women and I have been gathering food for the food bank.  We were trying to break last years record of 1.002 pounds.  And we did it!!!!

Yay for us!  Lots of work and effort was put into this and it paid off.  The food bank was very thankful!

Thankful tree was a little smaller in size this year but the blessings were still many.
Love these traditions.

Friday date night we went out to Salata a new restaurant and got to visit with one of my young women that work there. Yum salad!
While at date night Clifton was a home babysitting. We were surprised and pleasantly happy with what we found at our door when we got home.

Kids are hard and sometimes it feels like I am not doing a great job as a mom, but moments like these are worth everything.  Love these crazies!

It was cold and I was worried everyone would drop out but it ended up be great weather and ladies showed up ready to go!  I love the Ladies Turkeybowl and love that these ladies are willing to have some fun with me.  Great group, great weather, couldn't have asked for anything more.

 Monday was Halloween,  The kids had Monday and Tuesday off from school so it was a fun day.

Halloween dinner traditions.
Alex still had to work but we caught him having fun on a zoom call :)

Alex headed out of town for the week, yep my birthday week.  The kids and I took advantage of a day off and played at Alley Cats, no one was there which was extra nice.

I also decided ti have some fun and change up my hair.

I went a little red and love it.

Wednesday was my birthday and Clifton was so very sweet to take over dads role in the house and surprised me with flowers (he bought with his own money) and decorations.  What a sweet heart!  He hates to show emotions but it's good to know he has a soft side to him.

I was also surprised with a sweet yard decorations from my friend Caroline.  Gestures like these mean the world.  Especially cause I know how early she had to get up ad do this.  Felt very loved today!

Started the day throwing my own party at my dance class.  Glow in the dark dancing!

It was SOOOOO fun.  The aftermath was not pretty with all the sweat and face paint :)

Even though Alex was gone it turned out to be an amazing birthday.  
Picnic at the park and had friends join us.

Then another friend took us all out to get froyo.
Love from my kids
Treats, texts, calls from lots of wonderful people.  I am beyond blessed to have so many amazing friends in my life.

Late that night or really very early Friday morning, Alex got home and his brother and brother in law came into town.  They headed off to a football game that Lockheed Martin Sponsors so they got great box tickets.

Then Alex took them around town to see Fort Worth and play some Top Golf.

While they were out playing the younger boys had a birthday party, Clifton was playing with friends, so McKay and I got a pedicure.
Got to love some girl time.

His brothers could only stay for a couple days but it was so nice to have family in town and for Alex to be able to do something for him and with some of his favorite people.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Football season has come to an end.  It was fun watching these boys play and it seemed Clifton really enjoyed it.

We will see if he tries out again next year.

Dinner and ice cream out to celebrate a good season.

Pumpkin carving for family night!

They turned out great.  Can't believe McKay and Clifton can do it by themselves now.
Baking pumpkin seeds.  Stanley approves.

Saturday my gym had a costume dance party.

Such a fun class.

After class we hit up a pumpkin patch...

I hate that they cost to enter a pumpkin patch here and that the pumpkins at the patch are not grown here but not willing to give up the tradition.

Sunday bake day... cute Halloween cookie decorating.

Other fun from the week...
"Mom I somehow got toothpaste in my hair."  Not sure how you do that on accident ;)

Saved a turtle from the middle of the road.