
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

Updates on McKay -
She turned 2!!!!!  I can't believe how fast she has grown and what a little girl she has become.  We love her dearly.  She is the silliest and sassiest girl I know.  And her beauty blows us away.  I love my little girl more than words can express.  We are so blessed to have our little Christmas joy.

Updates on Clifton -
His imagination is getting bigger and bigger.  He plays so well by himself and I love hearing his stories.  He is definitely a boy:)  Crashing and destroying.

Monday was Christmas Eve eve.  And since we were spending Christmas Eve at Alex's sisters we decided to do movie and pjs monday.  I loved the pjs we found and we all enjoyed watching a movie together.
A fun new tradition:)

Christmas Eve we spent with family at Alex's sisters.  We had our annual Christmas program and dinner.
 A fun bunch:)
Cousin matching pjs!

Christmas morning we got to spend together as a family and then we went to Grandma and Grandpa P's house.
Playing with the new toys is always so much fun.  Clifton playing tea with Hulk was the highlight of my morning!
A wonderful Christmas!

I love the fact that my kids have cousins that they know and love.  If you couldn't tell Miss McKay sure thought her cousin Grace was so cool and wanted to do what she was doing.
It was only a few minutes but those minutes were one of my favorite part of the Christmas break.  Watching her follow her cousin around and them both being so cute.  Family is great!

Next we headed to Portland for Portland Christmas.
It was nice to get together and play.  And Aunt Mechelle is the coolest, letting McKay make breakfast and a mess:)  Good memories!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Updates on McKay -
She now has three molars coming in.  And in the last post I stated that she was doing pretty well and getting them in, well I spoke too soon:/  She has been really grumpy but at least sleeping pretty well.  So ready for all those teeth to be in and no more molar grumpiness.

Updates on Clifton -
He has been singing a lot lately.  I am not sure if its the Christmas Spirit or he just has really gotten into it.  I enjoy it:)

For FHE we did a few things.  The kids and I went throw all their toys and they told me what toys they could give away.  So we could donate to people who may not have as much as we do.  I love that my kids are willing to give toys away.  And I think its great that we can give away before we get new toys.
We came up with two boxes full of toys:)

That night we also went caroling at an assisted living center.
Always fun to do.  I love seeing the smiles it brings!

After that we all (except Alex) got hit with a bad cold.  After a week of a bad cough I went into the doctors to find out I had bronchitis:/  But I am finally feeling better after given so meds and the kids are feeling well.  Alex has not got it yet somehow!

Sick or not it SNOWED and we had to go play in it:)
Clifton sure cracks me up.  He really was super excited.  He has my excitement and I love it.  But he sure is silly:)  Always making me laugh!
It only lasted for a little but we were so excited to get snow!!!
If your daughter asks for a snow kitty you stay out in the snow for an hour and build a snow kitty.  And best father award goes to.... Alex!  She loved it.  However it quickly melted and there was many many tears shed over the melted kitty.

Sunday we got a visit from Fire Truck Santa.
My kids didn't mind this Santa too much:)  I love that they do this.

Another great week at the Peterson's!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Santa is Scary!

Updates on McKay -
Two of her two year molars are coming in.  She has been doing pretty well and not super grumpy about it.  She did randomly start crying and I asked what was wrong and she said "teeth hurt."  Poor girlie!
 Being as cute as every!  She is my Princess Girl!

Updates on Clifton -
He is enjoying playing by himself and I love it.  I love hearing him play and pretend.  It is so cute!  And it is so nice that I don't have to entertain him all day.
He is fighting me a lot though.  If I say no he will continue to ask me or cry and cry.  Not sure how to get through this stage.  Hopefully its just a stage because it is wearing.

For FHE activity we decorated gingerbread men (or ninjabread men as Clifton calls it).  Alex was in Florida all week so we missed him and he missed the fun activities.
But we did save Alex a gingerbread man and some candy.  The kids really liked decorating.  A fun night!

Friends make everything better!  We got to spend even more time with our friends while Alex was away and they kept us happy and busy!
Pudding painting (aka messy pudding eating).  It was pretty fun!

We also went to look at lights at a house that goes all out and get hot cocoa.
I was really impressed with this house.  They let you walk around their yard and really went all out.  Music was playing and lights danced to the music.  Clifton loved it!  It was so cute to hear him squeal look at this, look at that.

Friday our ward had a Christmas party and Santa was there.  We waited in line but only tears when we got near.  The next day my preschool had a Santa breakfast.  So we thought we would try Santa again but we would hold onto them the whole time.  Nope just his presence scared them!
Its kind of funny that they are terrified of him:/  Kids, what can you do?

Another great week at the Peterson's!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Spirit

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton has been playing really well by himself lately.  It has been nice.  He is loving the Christmas spirit and all the fun things Christmas brings.  I am really enjoying the Holiday season with him:)

Updates on McKay -
She asks to sit on the toilet and tells me when she needs to poop.  However she does not understands when she needs to go tinkle, but I am proud of her willingness and being able to communicate with us.
She is getting so big!  It's hard to believe.

Monday we decorated our home and got it ready for Christmas.  I love doing this and with my kids.  They were so excited and enjoyed it just as much as I did.
I love this time of year!  SO many fun things to do as a family!

This week we had so much fun getting into the Christmas spirit.
At mall train ride!  One of my simple but favorite things to do.
Making cookies and watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Gingerbread house decorating with friends or as Clifton calls it "ninjabread".
Jingle Bell run with a great friend!
Tractor ride and Santa's arrival to Port Orchard.  A little too cold but still fun:)
Just spending time together decorating and having fun celebrating Christmas!  I love life!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Updates on Clifton -
He has a crazy good memory.  He keeps telling me things that we have done in the past and I was sure he would not remember.  I love it because it makes things worth it to hear him talking about it.  My favorite thing thus far that he remembers is last year we started a tradition where we donate toys to "friends" who may not have as many as we do for Christmas (women's shelter or somewhere that needs it).  And he told me that Christmas is when we give toys to friends that don't have toys.  Those are the things i want him to remember and he does:)

Updates on McKay -
She went poop on the potty!  She was saying she was pooping so I ran her upstairs and put her on the potty.  I think we will be officially starting potty training soon.

For FHE we had some friends join us.  Its always nice to have more people join in on the fun:)
 We watched a short movie on gratitude and then decorated turkey's.  We put what they were grateful for on each turkey feather.

My mother came to visit for a few days and we were so excited to have her.
The kids loved having Grandma S time:)  And it is always nice to have my mom around.

We wanted to show off the bug museum to Grandma so we took her there this week.
A fun morning.

Preschool is going great.  I am having a ton of fun teaching and the kids are loving being there.
This week we had a Thanksgiving Feast at the preschool.  It was super cute and a really fun morning.

Thanksgiving we got to spend with Alex's family.
As always good food and good times!  Another wonderful Thanksgiving.

Friday we went and saw Frozen and we all LOVED it.  A very cute movie!
Saturday we got to attend our friends sealing.  It was such a great moment to share with them and I am so happy to be able to be there.
A great way to start the day:)  I love to see the Temple!