
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Santa is Scary!

Updates on McKay -
Two of her two year molars are coming in.  She has been doing pretty well and not super grumpy about it.  She did randomly start crying and I asked what was wrong and she said "teeth hurt."  Poor girlie!
 Being as cute as every!  She is my Princess Girl!

Updates on Clifton -
He is enjoying playing by himself and I love it.  I love hearing him play and pretend.  It is so cute!  And it is so nice that I don't have to entertain him all day.
He is fighting me a lot though.  If I say no he will continue to ask me or cry and cry.  Not sure how to get through this stage.  Hopefully its just a stage because it is wearing.

For FHE activity we decorated gingerbread men (or ninjabread men as Clifton calls it).  Alex was in Florida all week so we missed him and he missed the fun activities.
But we did save Alex a gingerbread man and some candy.  The kids really liked decorating.  A fun night!

Friends make everything better!  We got to spend even more time with our friends while Alex was away and they kept us happy and busy!
Pudding painting (aka messy pudding eating).  It was pretty fun!

We also went to look at lights at a house that goes all out and get hot cocoa.
I was really impressed with this house.  They let you walk around their yard and really went all out.  Music was playing and lights danced to the music.  Clifton loved it!  It was so cute to hear him squeal look at this, look at that.

Friday our ward had a Christmas party and Santa was there.  We waited in line but only tears when we got near.  The next day my preschool had a Santa breakfast.  So we thought we would try Santa again but we would hold onto them the whole time.  Nope just his presence scared them!
Its kind of funny that they are terrified of him:/  Kids, what can you do?

Another great week at the Peterson's!

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