
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Patch 2013

Updates on Clifton -
His new thing is "running away".  When he is upset or does not get something he asked for or his way he will yell "fine then I am going away."  And he will run away from us, usually upstairs for a little and cry.  I have no idea where he learned this from.  It makes me sad.
Clifton wrote his name this week!  So proud of him!

Updates on McKay -
She likes to be called "Princess Girl".  It is really cute and funny.  If I say she is pretty or a girl or something else she corrects me saying, "no no Princess Girl!"
She is loving superheroes as much as Clifton is.  They play superheroes and it is quite cute!  She loves wearing capes and wearing batman.
Just another day at the Peterson's:)

This week we decorated for Halloween.
Clifton loved decorating and loves the spiders we got.  It is fun when they enjoy it too:)

We adventured to a corn maze in Silverdale.
My favorite part was the apple chunking.  The kids really liked it too.

Pumpkin patch time!
Spending the evening at a pumpkin patch is always fun:)

This weekend we also had friends come visit with us.  It was a fun weekend!
It's always fun to get together with friends:)

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