
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wonderful Grandparents

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton has been doing great at swimming lessons.  I am insanely proud of him! He has always been afraid of water and especially getting his face wet.  Thursday at swimming he did three bobs.  He was so proud of himself too.  It is one of my favorite things Clifton says.  He says "I am proud of me."  And he should be he is overcoming a fear.

Updates on McKay -
I think she has molars coming in.  She has been pretty grumpy.  At least I hope its that so that can explain her grumpiness.
McKay loves to contradict.  If you ever say yes or no she thinks it is funny to say the opposite.  She is a little turkey.  Girls!?!

For FHE we talked about temples.  We made temples out of caramels.
Fun activity and the kids loved eating the caramels too:)

Wednesday Grandma Peterson came to town and helped with the kids while Alex and I went to the Sounders game.  The kids were pretty much begging for us to leave so they could be with just Grandma.  We are so lucky to have grandparents that love our kiddos and can come spend time with them.
The ferry ride there was beautiful!
Love Washington!

Friday Grandma and Grandpa Stanley came to town for the weekend.
Grandma brought pumpkin decorations.  So we went to the store and got our first pumpkins of the season.
They love them:)
Then we went to Poulsbo to adventure their farmers market.
Decorating cupcakes and painting pumpkins. I love Clifton's face.  He obviously loves cupcakes:)

Then we went to Silverdale waterfront park.

Then ending the weekend decorating cookies:)

A great week full of grandparents!  My kids are spoiled with wonderful grandparents:)

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