
Monday, April 28, 2014

Seven years down... forever to go

Updates on Clifton -
Oh the sun is coming up earlier and earlier everyday which means so is Clifton.  No matter if I have black out blinds he still is up between 5:30-6:30am.  I love the sun but I wish he would sleep until at least 7.  However he does go down very easily at night.

Updates on McKay -
She is a very silly girl.  She continually makes me laugh.
I love this crazy girl of mine:)
Her naps are back thank goodness!  And I hope I have a little longer till no naps.

For FHE we celebrated Earth day.  We had our friends join us for dinner and FHE.  We planted our garden and also planted a few flowers in pots to take care of.
Hopefully our garden turns out again and we can get a few good produce from it.

We have been really enjoying playing games together lately.
Uno is the favorite right now.  I really enjoy playing games with my kiddos.

My kids are silly and decided they needed to wear sunglasses to dinner this week.

I was giving cowgirl boots from a friend!  And the kids were just as excited as I was to have them.
That night Clifton even said he was going to dream about wearing those boots, hat, and go horse back riding with Alex.  Silly kids!

Friday night my mother came to town to help watch our kids for our anniversary.  She is such a wonderful mom to travel up here and spend time with our kids so we could sneak away for a little.  And the kids loved having Grandma here.  My mom took the kids on the Jackson park train and walked the water front while we were gone.  They had so much fun that they didn't even realize we were gone.
Saturday Alex and I went to the Sounders game to celebrate our anniversary.  No better way to celebrate!
Great seats, great weather, and an amazing game!  We could not have asked for a better day:)

We missed our ferry so we got to spend a little extra time in Seattle and decided to play games at the arcade!
It was such a fun and wonderful day!  I am one blessed lady to have such a wonderful husband, father of my children, and best friend.  I can't wait to make more memories with him.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Updates on Clifton -
He had his four year old check up and he is growing healthy and strong.  However getting him to work with the doctor was a huge trial.  He did not want to be touched by anyone besides me and did not want to cooperate.  After talking to the doctor about him a little more we both thought that he could have a sensory processing disorder.  So she referred us to an OT.  I am not sure where this will go but I am excited to learn about ways I can help him with his fears and anxieties.

Updates on McKay -
She is not napping and I cannot believe she is getting old enough to not have naps:/  I swear she is still a baby.
She loves dancing with me!  I have the best Zumba partner:)

Both kids have been extra cuddly this week and I sure have enjoyed it:)

Monday was a beautiful day so after Zumba we went down to the Silverdale bay.
It was so fun.  The tide was low and there was a ton of little critters out.  There was even a starfish on the dock.  The kids got to touch it and Clifton even picked it up to put back in the water.  A wonderful morning.

For FHE we talked about Easter and the real meaning of this holiday.  Then we decorated eggs.  I saw an idea on pinterest where you color eggs with shaving cream.  Well it was a pinterest fail.  The eggs did not turn out very colorful but it was still a lot of fun.

I got caterpillars at the Bug museum for the preschool I teach at.  So we could watch them grow and turn into butterflies.  Well this last weekend they turned into butterflies and we let them go free.
The kids got to hold them and watch them fly off.  It was a fun process to watch them grow and change.

Thursday the preschool had an Easter party.
We made bunnies ears and decorated bags for candy.  And of course had an Easter egg hunt.  Fun times!

Friday Alex and I got to go on a date.  Since it was a nice day we went to play tennis.
Oh how I love being active with Alex.  I am excited for the weather to keep getting nicer and we can enjoy more outside time together.

Saturday the primary put together an Easter Egg hunt.  Even though it was raining we still had fun.
The Easter Bunny even made and appearance.

This is what I saw when I woke up:(  Luckily we had antibiotics from the last time we had pink eye.  We started putting it in ASAP and McKay's eye seemed irritated as well so we put some in hers too.  Clifton was so sad that he was sick on Easter and knew this meant we could not go to Grandmas and do the Peterson egg hunt.  I went to church to help with primary and Alex stayed home with the kids. By the time I got home his eyes looked a ton better.  Alex's family seemed to still want us so we decided to go and went through a bottle of hand sanitizers.  I am glad we still got to go.  The kids love spending time with their cousins, aunts and uncles.  And I love it too!
 The kids, aren't they cute.
Although Easter started pretty rough it ended great.  And so far it sounds like we did NOT spread germs:)  Another great Easter!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Vegas Baby!

This week we joined Alex in Vegas.  He went for work and we went to party:)  Since Alex went for work he booked his flight early.  When we went to book ours it was pretty expensive.  So we choose different flights so it could be affordable.

So Monday we dropped Alex off and went to hang out with the Larson's!
Always fun to get together with them.  Clifton and McKay love their cousins.
This is how we got through the airport.  And it went pretty smooth!
They both LOVED the airport.  So much to see and do.  They did amazing on the airplane.  It kind of surprised me:)

Tuesday we went to the Shark Reef.  Clifton LOVED it and says it was one of his favorite things he did on the trip.
It was a fun adventure.

Then we played at the hotel till it was time to pick up Alex.  Our hotel had a putting green on it, so we tested it out.
It was fun.  Clifton was all about it.

That night we walked the strip with Alex.  Clifton saw the Statue of Liberty as we were driving and exclaimed that is the one the minions stole and he wanted to go there.  We explained that there wouldn't be any minions.
Well we were wrong.  Clifton was over the moon when he saw the minion!  He says this was his favorite part of the whole trip.
We also watched the Bellagio fountains and the kids loved watching them.
Exploring in the Excalibur we found a family arcade game place.
Super fun night!  It had so many games.  Plus there were older kids there playing and they gave our kids all their tickets so they could get a prize.  It was so nice of them and made our kids so happy.

Wednesday we went to The Secret Gardens.  We got there a little early so we walked around the Mirage.
The kids loved the large letter chairs.
We stopped to get frozen yogurt and this is how we party in Vegas:)  Silly kids!
Then to see dolphins and tigers.
Oh I was in heaven.  I love dolphins so crazy much.  They are beautiful animals.  And both kids loved watching them.  None of us ever wanted to leave.

After we picked up Alex we ventured out to the Las Vegas Temple.
It was such a huge difference from the strip to the temple.  It was beautiful and Alex's favorite part of the trip.

Thursday I took the kids to the Las Vegas Children's Museum. It was huge and I was impressed!
A fun morning.

That night we walked some of the strip again with Alex.
Some one was all tuckered out.

The weather was so nice and beautiful so we made sure to take advantage of the pool.  Everyday we went swimming!
I sure love the warmth of the sunshine!

Clifton said one of the funniest things while we were in Vegas.  He saw a sign with The Thunder Down Under Men shirtless on it.  He exclaimed, "Look Mom!  It's the Hulk!"  Love him:)
We had a wonderful trip.  I know some people thought I am crazy to take the kids but I am positive they had a blast and I am so glad we got to make fun memories with them.

On my way home we took a late flight and half way through the flight I realized I didn't have my keys to our car parked at the airport.  Alex's flight didn't leave till later the next day:/  I freaked a little and thought I need to tell Alex so he could figure out someone to pick me up or what I should do.  So I turned on my phone and called Alex (I know I am not supposed to do that, but I considered it an emergency).  I tried a few times but it never said it went through.  But come to find out three of the calls went through.  So I pretty much gave Alex a heart attack calling him when I should be on a plane with the kids.  When we landed it was pretty late and I didn't want to wake anyone up.  So I reached out to friends who might be awake.  Luckily the bus to Port Orchard was leaving to Port Orchard shortly after landing and a friend picked me up from the drop off location.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people that are willing to help even when it is so inconvenient.  Even with all that the kids did amazing and I would do it again:)  A wonderful week at the Peterson's!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Break

Updates on Clifton -
I love my son so much but it has been a really tough week for him.  He is struggling with his emotions lately.  I don't know if he just started to be aware of his feeling a little more but he is more sensitive than ever.  If he gets upset or angry (even over something simple) he freaks out tears, hitting, yelling, and all.  He has always been one I can talk it out with but lately that is not helping.  It is very wearing and very hard for me.  I don't think I handle my emotions great so its hard for me to direct him along.  I am trying to figure out the best way to help him figure out how to react when we have these emotions.  And how to not get offended or upset when he acts like this.  He is a wonderful boy and I need to realize he is learning and experiencing a lot of these feelings for the first time.

Updates on McKay -
She cares very much about her outfits these days.  She loves tutu's and wants to wear one everyday.  She also wants a bow in her hair everyday.  Its cute!  She is very girlie and she did not get it from me.  She wants to wear cute shoes and has to decide on which ones she is wearing.  I can't decide for her:/  And anything pink is wonderful!  She would wear all pink everyday and be totally happy.

For FHE my sister in law told me about a lesson (she found on Pinterest) on siblings getting along (which we struggle with at this house).  It was perfect for the day too because it seemed to be an extra tough day.  This is the website I got the idea from -
It was a great activity for the whole family.  Realizing we all do things that cause war in our house was good for us.  It was also good to bury our "weapons of war".  Nothing like having kids makes you realize how much you are doing wrong and can do better.  I am grateful for the opportunity to be a mom and to better myself.  Hopefully this will have an impact in our house.

This week was spring break. I know I don't have children in school but I got a week off from teaching preschool.  We spent the week doing simple things together.  Which was really nice.  We are often on the move so much we don't just enjoy the simple things.
Clifton got this game from Grandma and Grandpa Stanley and loves it so much.  Its our new favorite thing to do together.
If you cannot tell by McKay's face they loved playing bubbles.  I guess I don't get it out enough.
I went shopping with a friend so she could help me get some style into my wardrobe:) And this is what it looks like to go shopping with my kids.  Silly!

Friday Alex surprised us all and got home early.  He then took us all out to lunch:)  Then that night Alex and I got to go on a date.  Best husband and father ever!  We went to see Captain America.  We enjoyed the movie and time together.  And the kids love when a babysitter comes over.  While we were out we got wonderful news that Alex's brother and his wife had their baby.  Early but all is well.  So Saturday in-between conference sessions we headed over to Seattle to visit Brandon, Rebecca, and new baby girl Julia!
I have never been on the Walla Walla ferry so I was amazed by how big this one is and the fact that the top was open to walk around outside.  The birds would come right up to you and take food out of your hands.  We could also throw food in the air and they would swoop down and catch it. Best ferry ride ever!
The kids were so excited to see Rebeeca and Brandon.  They were a little confused why they could not meet their new cousin:/  But Alex and I got to meet her and she is adorable.  I cannot imagine having a baby in the NICU I have never had to experience it.  Brandon and Rebecca have waited so long for this little girl and it is such a miracle that she is here and doing well.  We love her already!

This weekend was also General Conference for the LDS church.  I really wanted to get the most out of conference this year so planned activities for the kids.  It was exciting for them and helped keep them occupied.
They had to match the speaker to their picture (First presidency and Quorum of the twelve) and when they did they could get a new activity.  A great conference and a great week!